Modeling Artificial Personalities through the Expression of Emotions in Narrative Games

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Personality modeling is important in order to create character variation in
games. Character variation favors replayability and is an important aspect
of game design. The eect of articial personalities through the expression of
emotions is evaluated in this research. To do so, a prototype game is developed
in the context of training in bad news conversations. Replayability through
character modeling is important in a game in which people can train to deliver
bad news. By training with multiple personalities one can learn to deal with
the dierent reactions that people can give. In this thesis, the eect of arti-
cial personalities through the expression of emotions on the replayability of the
game, believability of the non-playing character and immersion of the player is
researched. It is expected that articial personalities have a positive eect on
the replayability of the game and believability of the non-playing character, but
not on the immersion of the player. Experiments show that there is a positive
trend in the replayability of the game and the believability of the non-playing
