
14 records found

Astral Body

A Virtual Reality Game for Body Ownership Investigation

As one of the most disruptive human-computer interaction techniques, Virtual Reality (VR) provides a novel way to examine human movements, e.g. when investigating Body Ownership (BO) in the field of cognitive sciences, especially when the visual output diverges from real-world ac ...

Benni’s Forest

A serious game on the challenges of reforestation

Many people think of reforestation projects as one-dimensional, simply consisting of planting trees. In reality, a reforestation project takes into account a wide variety of factors, of which the three most important are improving soil quality, reducing fire hazard, and ensuring ...

Explainable AI for Designers

A Human-Centered Perspective on Mixed-Initiative Co-Creation

Growing interest in eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) aims to make AI and machine learning more understandable to human users. However, most existing work focuses on new algorithms, and not on usability, practical interpretability and efficacy on real users. In this visio ...

Understanding Everything NPCs Can Do

Metrics for Action Similarity in Non-Player Characters

Non-Player Characters (NPCs) have actions that allow them to reason about what they can do in a game and how they can do it. The background information about what they can do are the components of the action, and how they can do it is the form or shape of an action, which may be ...

League of Lasers

A superhuman sport using Motion Tracking

League of Lasers is a motion-based game where two teams compete in a mix between football and Pong [2]. Players use `virtual mirrors' to try to guide a laser pulse towards the opponent team's target. The game aims at stimulating interaction between players by making cooperation a ...

Superhuman sports in mixed reality

The multi-player game League of Lasers

In recent years, many promising developments have taken place around augmented, virtual and mixed-reality technology. One could wonder whether these technologies can be combined to yield a mix of video games and sports, involving physical activities previously deemed impossible: ...

Misusing mobile phones to break the ice

The tabletop game Maze Maestro

Performance of newly-formed project teams is often limited, or at least delayed, when team members refrain from sharing their ideas due to unfamiliarity with their peers. A variety of ice-breaking methods can help overcome this cold start, but mostly they need to be deployed and ...


A Serious Game on the Complexities of Rail Maintenance

Commuters who travel by train often feel annoyed due to misunderstanding the causes of delays in train traffic. They oftentimes are unaware of the necessity of performing maintenance to stations, tracks, and trains. MainTrain is a serious game developed to teach commuters about r ...

Loud and clear

The VR game without visuals

While visual impairment is relatively common, most sighted people have no idea of what it is like to live without one of the most heavily utilised senses. We developed the game Loud and Clear in order to have them experience the difficulties of being visually impaired, as well as ...

Quantum physics vs. classical physics

Introducing the basics with a virtual reality game

Unlike classical physics, quantum physics is harder to explain, as it involves very small scales and phenomena that are not visible to the naked eye. Understanding the differences between classical and quantum physics is difficult, especially for children, who cannot grasp the su ...


Superhuman training in augmented reality

The goals of Superhuman Sports games include to involve physical activity and enhance the skills and abilities of a human through technology. They are played for fun, competition or to improve the players’ health condition. To meet these goals, we designed and developed STAR: Sup ...

Pinball for the visually impaired

An audio spatialization and sonification mobile game

We present Pingball, an audio-based mobile game that makes the classic experience of a physical pinball machine accessible to everyone, including those with visual impairments or complete blindness. Pingball keeps the essential game mechanics of traditional pinball, but both the ...

Wrath of Osiris (Not published)

Surviving boredom and collapsing pyramids in times of isolation

When people need to stay quarantined at home for long periodsof time, loneliness, lack of exercise and boredom tend to affectthem more frequently and strongly. Games combining physicalexercise, challenging gameplay, and social cooperation can combatthese negative phenomena. This ...

Wrath of Osiris (Not published)

Surviving boredom and collapsing pyramids in times of isolation

When people need to stay quarantined at home for long periodsof time, loneliness, lack of exercise and boredom tend to affectthem more frequently and strongly. Games combining physicalexercise, challenging gameplay, and social cooperation can combatthese negative phenomena. This ...


6 records found

The Effect of “Good First Issue” Indicators upon Newcomer Developers

Identifying Improvements for Newcomer Task Recommendation

The recommendation of tasks for newcomers within a software project throughgood first issues is being done within the domain of software development, such as onGithubplatform. These issues aim to help newcomers identify tasks that are suitablefor them and their level of expertis ...

Negotiating task allocation in a team with the help of a negotiator agent

How the introduction of the agent affects the trust

With the prevalence of artificial intelligence recently, more attention is being drawn towards the collaboration between humans and agents. Across the many fields where such an agent can be employed, we are going to specifically examine the domain of negotiation. A critical part ...

Negotiation with the help of a negotiation agent

How the agent’s negotiation style affects trust

Negotiation is a challenging process for people, which often results in suboptimal agreements between the negotiating parties. This issue leads to lost benefits that one of the negotiating parties could have obtained. To counteract this drawback artificially intelligent negotiati ...

Architectural Profiles

Procedural Content Generation using Tile-based Architectural Profiles

Procedural content generation (PCG) for architecture is widely used in a variety of digital media, most notably in games. However, such methods are often limited in their expressive range, and require considerable technical knowledge to create non-trivial architectural structures ...

Story ARtist

Story Authoring in Augmented Reality

Most of the content creation applications that are currently common in use are regular PC applications with simulated 3D visualisation on a 2D screen and indirect interaction through a mouse and keyboard. Augmented Reality (AR) is a medium that can provide actual 3D visualisation ...


The Blockchain Based Daily Pixel Art Competition

During the project the team aimed to make a decentralized web based game on the blockchain, that is fun to play and is indistinguishable from traditional centralized games. To accomplish this it was chosen to create the game on the EOS blockchain platform. The EOS blockchain plat ...