Almere 2.0 floodproof

An integral approach to the balance between measures on different layers of multi-layer safety

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In the Randstad and the major cities in the Netherlands still remains a task of densification, mostly in areas with a high flood risk. Typical example of this are the plans for the Schaalsprong Almere 2.0: 60,000 new dwellings for a growth to 350,000 residents and 100,000 new jobs planned for 2030 in a deep polder. Looking to these water safety assignment from another layer of multi-layer safety (MLS) might provide more integral solutions that kill more birds with one stone. Besides these safety assignments namey there are a lot of spatial planning assignments which are typical for every urban area in the Netherlands, e.g. realising desired program, enhancing spatial quality, dealing with water nuisance, drought and water shortages, as well as heat stress in extremely hot summers. Furthermore, the current economic climate calls for a new, more flexible spatial planning form and a different role of the urban planner in area development in the Netherlands. How to deal with this in a smart way, integrating water safety and other assignments of spatial planning? Goal of this graduation project is to develop a framework for comparative assessment to help apply multi-layer safety, with the focus on spatial interventions, in areas with a major development task.