Durban Harbour Entrance

Widening and Deepening Project

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The Durban Harbour, run by the National Ports Authority of South Africa (NPA), is the largest harbour in South Africa. To stay competing in the 21st century the harbour entrance must be widened and deepened for the entry of Post Panamax ships. An important part of the Durban Harbour entrance Widening and Deepening project is the demolition of the existing North Groyne at the harbour entrance and the construction of a New North Groyne approximately 100 meters to the north. Preliminary research was already conducted by PRDW (PTY) LTD. A suitable construction method for the removal of the existing groyne and construction of the New North Groyne has been executed. Based on this construction method a design of the New North Groyne has been made. The design is tested on wave-structure interaction failure mechanisms and slope stability, including liquefaction potential, and is considered safe. A detailed design of the falling apron, utilized on the channel side slopes, is made.