The Fifth Plateau

Defining the threshold for a Third Industrial Revolution in Luxembourg Ville

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Luxembourg can be read as a system of plateaus interconnected by large pieces of infrastructure that physically connect them. The edges of the plateaus fullflil a communicating function together with the urban ensembles that occupy the platform. The development of these separate islands has always gone hand in hand with a specific economic ambition and has been instigated by firstly building a bridge (piece of infrastructure) to the new deserted plateau. In this respect we could classify the various plateaus as follows: Ville Haute plateau war economy and fortifications; Garer plateau, second industrial revolution and steel industry; Cents plateau, suburban lifestyle; Kirchberg plateau, service economy and the European Parliament. Within this system of intertwining plateaus there is one plateau that seems underdeveloped in relation to its potential within the current ambitions of Luxembourg to focus on the third industrial revolution. This plateau I call the fifth plateau.

The “Fifth Plateau” project imagines a new way to catalyse the urbanization of that empty plateau in Luxembourg Ville. It does so by proposing an architecture of an infrastructural scale on the edge of the plateau. By doing so the project, firstly participates in the system of communication of between the various plateaus, secondly provides a programmatic fuel injection to instigate future development. The project is proposed as a 500m long structure that sits on that edge facing the rest of the city. The structure allows for various sections to be hanged from it in accordance to the specific topographic condition. The horizontal surface on top of the Vierendeel trusses functions as a public promenade along the edge and is the address to the various programs below. The program is based on various aspects related to a third industrial revolution and is located in accordance to the opportunities the topography gives. Therefore the data centre is located where the structure enters the ground, where the project bridges a small valley the structure houses the restaurant, convention centre and hotel. The concave slope houses the robotics labs, where the concave slope facilitates the IT laboratories. Finally the soft, almost horizontal slope, closest to the Garer plateau will facilitate maker spaces for public use. The facade is a literal curtain wall that follows the movement of the topography and reflects the various longitudinal sections that facilitate the variety of programmatic elements.

The project is a contemporary approach towards the edge condition in Luxembourg by performing as a light weight, flexible structure that moves with and accentuates the topographical condition of the fifth plateau. It proposes an architecture that addresses the newest economic ambition of Luxembourg, namely The Third Industrial Revolution. It sets out to function as the threshold for the further development of the Fifth plateau so that it can play its role as a new chapter within the history of the development of the plateaus in Luxembourg Ville.