Living Together

Design a Parisian Neighbourhood both for Tourists and Residents

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How to improve the residents living quality while developing tourism in a historical inner city neighbourhood? With its profound historical development and events, Paris has been shaped as a super glorious political centre, the most attractive tourist destination and the most beautiful city in the world. The tourism industry promised the preservation and gentrification of such neighbourhoods, such as Le Marais (Djirikian, 2004), while the over development of the tourism industry has become a problem for resident living quality in these neighbourhoods. The project conducts research into the problems caused by tourism development in an historical inner city neighbourhood in Paris. The aim of this study is to exterminate the coherence and incoherence of residents and tourists’ spatial demands, thus identify the essential spatial qualities related to the needs and behaviours of tourists and residents, at the end provide design proposals which improve the living quality of residents while developing tourism properly on the site. It is a guideline for design interventions in a historical and tourist neighbourhood in the inner city of Paris, moreover for the neighbourhoods that are confronting similar issue.