Recycling of Glass Fibre Reinforced Aluminium Laminates and Silicon Removal from Aerospace Al Alloy

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Aerospace aluminium alloys (7xxx and 2xxx series Al alloy) is one of the important Al alloys in our life. The recycling of aerospace Al alloy plays a significant role in sustainable development of Al industry. The fibre reinforced metal laminates GLARE including 67 wt.% 2024 Al alloy was used as upper fuselage in Airbus A380, but the solution for GLARE recycling is not available. Thermal recycling which uses high temperature to decompose the resin and separate the reinforcement fibres and fillers, has been used in the thermal delamination of Lacomet (one member of fibre metal laminates family). Similar to the thermal recycling of Lacomet, a practical solution for GLARE recycling in laboratory-scale was developed in this research.The recycling of GLARE consists of two steps. The first step is the separation of S2-glass fibre and 2024 Al sheets after the decomposition of resins in GLARE under thermal condition, the decomposition behaviour as well as the decomposition kinetics of resins in GLARE were studied. The second step is the re-melting and refining of the separated 2024 Al sheets, the critical influence factors such as the salt flux composition, refining temperature, the size of 2024 Al scrap and the ratio of salt flux to scarp were discussed in this research. Si is a harmful impurity for aerospace Al alloys, and Si concentration is strictly controlled in aerospace Al alloys. But a small amount of Al alloy scrap with high Si concentration is usually mixed together with aerospace Al alloy scrap during the recycling of aerospace Al alloys, thus Si concentration in final secondary aerospace alloys exceeds the upper limit of nominal concentration. Besides the improvement of the efficiency of scrap classification, the removal of impurity Si from recycled aerospace Al alloys is also an option to improve the quality of secondary aerospace Al alloys. In this research, the first attempt on Si removal from Al in laboratory-scale was conducted by using Ti addition method.