Ultra Rapid UnderPass

The adaption of the URUP method for the Netherlands

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With the URUP (Ultra Rapid UnderPass) method short underpasses for cyclists and pedestrians below roads and railways can be constructed. With this method a tunnel boring machine (TBM) starts on surface, bores an underpass, and ends on surface. The cross section of the underpass has a rectangular shape. Contractor Van Hattum en Blankevoort (VHB) learned about this project for the first time during the ITA congress 2009. The URUP method can be useful in the Netherlands because in the coming years several hundreds of multi- level crossings will be made.. VHB invited inventor Obayashi to cooperate to adapt the URUP method for the Netherlands. This thesis is part of the adaptation plan that VHB and Obayashi explored. The aim of this thesis is to adapt the URUP method in a technical sense, such that it can be industrially executed for short underpasses for cyclists and pedestrians below roads and railways in the Dutch circumstances.