Full system response Thomassen tunnel under impact load using LS-DYNA (concept version 3)

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In the Delft Cluster work package “Bijzondere Belastingen” (CT01.21) the consequences of a BLEVE and a reduced BLEVE are considered. These phenomena have a low probability of occurrence, but might have immense consequences. Therefore, a deterministic consideration seems not possible. The results of the work package must facilitate the quantitative risk analysis of the phenomena, that support the authorities in their decision of allowing transport of dangerous goods through tunnels or not. The work package focus is on the mechanical description of the loading and the response. However, it requires an interdisciplinary approach, which integrates knowledge of risk analysis, explosion and evaporation of liquefied gases, structural dynamics and soil dynamics. Project description: The project contains two main stream research lines: 1. Loading due to BLEVE. The BLEVE research is mainly executed in a PhD project at Delft University of Technology. This part focuses on an improved understanding and modelling of the BLEVE phenomenon. TNO Defense and Safety will participate in this research line by introduction of practical mechanical modelling of the vessel behaviour and creation of a practical engineering model for BLEVE load prediction, based on the results of a PhD-study. 2. Dynamic Response of the structure-soil system under BLEVE and a reduced BLEVE loading. Here TNO Built Environment and Geosciences concentrates on the structural part of the problem, whereas Deltares and Delft University of Technology will take care of the soil response. TNO Defense and Safety will provide data on appropriate loads for realistic cases. The project is divided into the following work packages: · L1: Mechanical aspects of the initiation of a BLEVE · L2: Thermodynamic and gas dynamic aspects of a BLEVE · R1: Preliminary structural response · R2: Soil behaviour · R3: Full system response · R4: Consequences for surroundings