A Dynamic and Integrated Approach for Modeling and Managing Domino-effects (DIAMOND)

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Process and chemical industrial areas consist of hundreds and even thousands of installations situated next to each other, where quantities of hazardous (e.g., flammable, explosive, toxic) substances are stored, transported, or processed. These installations are mutually linked in terms of the hazard level they pose to each other in the system. As a result, a primary undesired disruption (e.g., an accidental event, intentional attack, or natural disaster) may escalate to nearby installations, triggering a chain of accidents. This phenomenon is well known as the potential for “knock-on effects” or so-called “domino effects”. This dissertation is devoted to modeling the spatial-temporal evolution of domino effects, preventing the escalation, mitigating the consequences, thereby developing a safer, securer, and more resilient chemical industrial area.