Is a music building for everyone, a Marvel?

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People’s perceptions change over the years. People’s needs and interests are also changing. As designers, we have to be flexible in thinking and design to adapt to the wishes and standards of the current eras, we have to evaluate ourselves in an innovative sense. This in turn is reflected in spaces where people come together and do activities in company, or rather: ‘public buildings’.
I find it interesting how we as designers, through architecture, adapt to today’s society with regard to public spaces on different scales. In addition, I am looking forward to looking at solutions to somewhat bring people together in extreme cases such as the COVID19. These kinds of extreme events can lead to certain perspectives that we as designers have never thought about. My vision is therefore: limitations lead to creativity.

In order to approach a public building in an alternative and innovative way, the functions are not linked on the basis of function, but on the basis of sound. For this, each layer of the building gets its own sound cluster, namely: 'vibrant', 'harmonic' and 'silence'. The various functions are subdivided into the sound zones in which it fits. This ensures that the building is perceived with a typology that deviates from the 'standard' what we are used to.