A. Mulder


1 records found


Structural changes in the use of real estate from a design perspective

This literature review is commissioned by VOGON, aiming to formulate a national real estate research programme - NOVA, focused on the functioning of real estate markets for achieving societal and political goals, as such connected to the Dutch National Scientific Research Agenda. ...


19 records found

[RE] Connecting Mumbai

A response to the increasing spatial and social polarization within the city of Mumbai

In recent years, Mumbai has experienced rapid urbanization due to its economic growth. This large influx of migrants, who are looking for opportunities in the city, has led to an issue of overpopulation. It has been estimated that the population will grow to 28 million within the ...


Metropolitan high-rise living in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is currently experiencing a period of significant growth, demographically as well as economically. It is becoming more international, more affluent, but also more crowded. In the process, the city's status as 'werelddorp' is changing into that of a metropolis. Such a sc ...
The importance of coping with climate change and its consequences on depleting sandy rural landscapes and their water systems is often underestimated. The seasonal imbalance of rise in temperatures and precipitation leading to both drought and flood under extreme circumstances, h ...

De Omarming

A dementia friendly living environment

A living environment designed for elderly people and elderly people with dementia. If the residents, the elderly people, gets dementia they will be able to continue their life in the same, trusted living environment, without moving to other living environments.

Energy neutral refurbishment

A flexible typology for post-war housing

The project concerns the refurbishment of post-war housing, specifically the Camera Obscura in Utrecht. The proposed plan is based upon: 1) technical parameters for energy neutrality, 2) the problems specified by the building analysis and 3) four types of flexibility, to enable i ...

Landscape Development in the Border Condition

The borderland as a cultural interface

The development of the landscape around the national border, a usually “unreachable” space due to mentality issues and practical difficulties, is the subject of this graduation project. Enhancing inner connections, literally and symbolically, has been the key to preserve and cele ...

The children who pay the price

Modern families in Amsterdam

Families are the center of society. They bring life to the neighborhood and the city as a whole. Children play a crucial role and turn the city from a place of mobility to a space of activity. However, not every child grows up in the social setting we are familiar with. More and ...

Customized Collective Housing

Towards Participatory Design of Dwellings

Residents typically have a negligible impact on their living units spatial layout in mass housing projects. Building industry lacks tools for users to create space tailored to their needs. The purpose of this work is facilitate co-creation by providing a pre-configured and engi ...

Bordering Chaos

Reinforcing productive relationships in eroding territories

War renders the characteristic of a territory and over-shadows the affects and desires that have been always a part of it. The Bosnian genocide in the early 90’s not only impacted the political and urban structure but also was a severe blow to the social structure. Mostar and Mos ...

Reshaping NYC

How can Midtown's newly become vacant office buildings be re-used?

Offices located in Midtown Manhattan are on the move towards new developments on the river banks, leaving their old residencies behind. Because of this phenomenon Midtown is experiencing high vacancy rates in its obsolete building envelope. This transition can be seen as a threat ...

Turning the Tide

Inverting Ecosystem Service Assessment as a Planning and Design Instrument for Decision-Makers to Develop Sustainable Eco-Based Solutions in an Uncertain Region

The manipulation of the delta landscape in the Rotterdam region, to meet the economic desire of society, resulted in a degradation of ecosystem services. Each eco-based design, such as the case-study ‘the River as a Tidal Park’, is subjected to a wide range of environmental, soci ...

Symbiotic Waterscapes

Interdependent water management in the urbanized and cultivated landscape of the Rhine basin

The river Rhine is Europe’s economic powerhouse. Without the Rhine, the Ruhr area and the port of Rotterdam wouldn’t have developed into the economically leading industrial regions they are today. The economic power of the Rhine comes forward from the ability of humans to control ...

Google Computer Science Faculty

Education Space of Fluidity

With the help of information technology, people can not only store the massive knowledge formed over thousands of years in various network databases but also present the process of knowledge production in different spaces at the same time. At this time, education will present a n ...

Accessibility enhancement by the 15-minute city in Amsterdam Nieuw-West

To what extent is the 15-minute city concept able to enhance social sustainability?

The 15-minute city is an urban planning concept which seeks to enhance social sustainability by improving accessibility. In this master thesis accessibility in Amsterdam Nieuw-West is explored to better understand the link between the 15-minute city concept and social sustainabil ...

Growing up in the city

High-rise as an alternative for housing families in Amsterdam

Families are an important factor in the liveability of neighbourhoods. As more and more families are leaving Amsterdam, innovative ideas are needed to reverse this trend. In this graduation project a residential tower is proposed, an uncommon building form in the Netherlands, esp ...

De generatie van integratie

De rol van architectuur in het integratieproces

Hoewel met de piek in asielaanvragen in Nederland sinds 2015 is gebleken dat vroege integratie veel voordelen heeft, is de architectuur van Nederlandse asielzoekerscentra daar nog niet op aangepast. In de sociologie zijn veel onderzoeken gedaan naar voorwaarden voor de facilitati ...

Covid-19 and the workplace

An explorative study of employee experiences during abrupt workplace change

In response to the global Covid-19 pandemic, access to office workplaces became more restricted, and employees were ushered to work from home. The current scientific literature does not fully address the link between abrupt change in the workplace and the impact of this on employ ...

Shelters for Archaeology

An Architectural Sheltering System for Monuments & Excavation Sites, in the case study of Ancient Eleon in Greece

The project proposes an architectural sheltering system for transitional use over monuments and excavations sites in the Mediterranean context. The thesis is concerned about the diaspora of archaeological sites and remains in the Mediterranean where many layers of history are par ...

Reconnecting port-city interfaces in regions of transition 

A model for the reuse and phytoremediation of port refinery sites to reconnect them to urban, ecological and social systems

Port-city interfaces have grown apart over the last few decades, resulting in a disbalance between ports and cities. This thesis focuses on finding an approach to reuse and remediate unused industrial sites in sensitive port locations while making them ready for a post-carbon era ...