
20 records found

Succesfully reusing heritage

How to improve the adaptive reuse process of heritage through success factors

While the benefits of adaptive reusing heritage are widely acknowledged by academic and practice, the process's complexity increases. Stakeholders are not willing to consider reuse as a strategy to deal with heritage vacancy. Studies have tried to grasp this complexity by identif ...

Iconic projects as catalysts for brownfield redevelopments

The developers’ perspective towards the conditions of iconic projects that incite brownfield redevelopments

Urbanisation is a global trend that continues to occur as the percentage will rise up for 55% to 68% in 2050 (United Nations, 2018). This movement of society towards the urban environment is clearly evident in the Netherlands too, particularly in the country’s four major cities: ...

Adaptable Real Estate

The added value of adaptability in a long-term business case

Our cities have to expand either horizontally or vertically to accommodate the growing population and urbanization trends. Meanwhile, our needs, demands and desires evolve over time. This makes sustainable development and adaptability more relevant than ever. However, a main prob ...

Reimagining industrial heritage

Facilitating tomorrow's manufacturing industry towards a circular city

For many years, the concept of adaptive reuse of buildings has been researched. A focus on heritage and specifically the implementation of circular economy frameworks is however relatively new. Adaptive reuse of heritage is often concerned a circular strategy for its material reu ...

The future workplace of SMEs

A research in the ongoing experiences of the pandemic on the hybrid workplace strategy for Dutch SMEs

The Dutch government implemented strict regulations to reduce the spreading of the virus and highly encouraged travel restrictions and to work from home if possible. As a result, organizations were forced to adapt and implement remote working. These implications became the norm f ...
The Randstad in The Netherlands faces on the one hand structural vacancy in office buildings and on the other hand a growing housing shortage. Reuse strategies to decrease the vacancy rate of the office market have been researched extensively both inside and out- side The Netherl ...

The Added Value of Creative Residencies

A research into the tangible effects of the creative sector on vibrancy

Besides being the fastest growing sector in the Netherlands, and a pioneer in working standards, the creative sector is believed to have a positive effect on economic growth. Multi-tenant buildings occupied by creative sector companies, i.e. creative residencies, are thus assume ...

Heritage Reloaded

Exploring complex re-use processes of heritage buildings

Purpose: Complexity is seen as the main bottleneck to start re-use processes for vacant heritage buildings. Researchers ask for the development of conceptual frameworks to explore project complexity and for tools to manage these complex processes. Aim: This research focuses on co ...

The circular business case

Exploring the role of the business case in creating financially feasible and circular biobased housing developments

The construction industry has a significant environmental impact, consumes a large amount of scarce resources, generates a lot of waste, and causes a lot of emissions such as CO2 which contribute to global warming and are all reasons of great concern. A significant portion of the ...

Adaptive Re-use of Industrial Heritage in Dutch Post-industrial Urban Area Development

The relation of the adaptive reuse and the added value in regards to the economic, social, and environmental sustainability

Urbanization, modernization, and the growth of the population put severe pressure on the current Dutch building stock. Inner-city developments in Dutch cities are limiteddue to the high density of the urban fabric. Therefore, the focus of urban transformation gradually moved from ...

Sustainable Value Drivers

A research on the added value of environmental certification in the Dutch office market

A considerable share of the global greenhouse gases is caused by the construction and real estate sector, but the increasing awareness on global climate change within the industry caused the emergence of multiple voluntary environmental certifications. The effects of environmenta ...
The Tesselschade 4 (T4) building in Leeuwarden is a 80 meter tall former tax office building from 1970. The modernistic ‘slab’ is raised from the ground level by the characteristic pilotis. Situated in an office park on the edge of the historical city centre the building offers ...

The end of monofunctional retail areas

Towards a more resilient mixed use area and bring back urban quality

Changing consumer shopping trends in the last two decades and the impact of COVID-19 in 2020-2021, has led to more structural vacancy in supportive monofunctional retail areas. Since supportive monofunctional retail areas are less resilient on the long term compared to retail are ...

The 'new' zero-energy office building

The impact of Dutch regulatory changes on the development of energy efficient office buildings

This thesis analyses the impact of new energy efficiency regulations for the built environment on the development of highly energy efficient and zero energy office buildings. In The Netherlands energy efficiency regulation BENG and determination method NTA8800 will become effecti ...

Circular urban area development; Myth or reality?

A research into the factors and management of circular urban area development in Dutch practice

Context: As a result of the human behavior of the past century, in which linear approaches were used, we’re facing environmental challenges due to global warming. Since the awareness of climate change, planning departments are focusing on sustainable development in which the soci ...

The Future of Our Past

Current implementation of circular economy strategies in the adaptive reuse of heritage buildings and mitigating remaining barriers

The construction industry imposes significant pressure on the natural environment, making it essential to transition to the circular economy. A step towards this goal is the adaptive reuse of existing buildings, more specifically, heritage buildings. Adaptive reuse of heritage is ...

The Circular Influencer

A research into the impact of incentives in the circular strategic decision-making processes within project management stakeholders

The increasing significance of the circular economy in the real estate construction industry is driven by evolving environmental, social, political, and economic factors. While there is increasing pressure for a national transition to a circular building economy, the sector conti ...

Circularity as a Game Changer

An exploration into dynamic capabilities' microfoundations as mechanisms for business model transformation in architectural firms

Economies, society, and organizations are operating on borrowed time (Lacy & Rutqvist, 2015). As a response to urgent planetary and societal needs, a critical shift is required on every aspect of how organizations in the construction sector, one of the most resource intensive a ...

Closing the Loop

A Decision Support Framework for Circular Economy implementation to the adaptive reuse of vacant buildings in the Netherlands.

The Circular Economy (CE) in the built environment has gained ever more attention as discussions around the threats of global warming, resource scarcity, environmental impacts, and energy emissions intensify. The building industry accounts for approximately 40% of carbon emission ...

The Value of Cultural Heritage

Measurement of the indirect economic added value of the adaptive re-use of cultural heritage

Because of the loss of function, the vacancy levels of cultural heritage are rising. This leads to all kind of (societal) problems. Meanwhile, the value of cultural heritage is difficult to qualify and quantify in terms of economic benefits, which makes it hard to define the adde ...