
Jan de Haan

33 records found


As housing development and housing market policies involve many long-term decisions, improving house price predictions could benefit the functioning of the housing market. Therefore, in this paper, we investigate how house price predictions can be improved. In particular, the ...

Waar voorgaande crises gepaard gingen met dalingen in de huizenprijzen, blijft een dergelijke prijscorrectie bij de huidige coronacrisis vooralsnog uit en neemt het groeitempo zelfs toe. Wat zou hieraan ten grondslag liggen — is er soms sprake van een zeepbel?@en

Price Measurement Using Scanner Data

Time-Product Dummy Versus Time Dummy Hedonic Indexes

This paper compares two model-based multilateral price indexes: the time-product dummy (TPD) index and the time dummy hedonic (TDH) index, both estimated by expenditure-share weighted least squares regression. The TPD model can be viewed as the saturated version of the underly ...

Location is capitalized into the price of the land the structure of a property is built on, and land prices can be expected to vary significantly across space. We account for spatial variation of land prices in hedonic house price models using geospatial data and a semi-parame ...

One of the main approaches to constructing quality-adjusted price indexes is the time dummy hedonic method. An alternative but rather unconventional method is the estimation of quality-adjusted unit value indexes. An advantage of the latter method is the interpretation of the imp ...

Risks in homeownership

A perspective on The Netherlands

Purpose Risk in home ownership from mortgage providers’ perspectives has received tremendous attention than individual home owner’s perspectives in existing literature following the financial crisis in 2007/2008 within the euro zone. This paper explored the risks factors in homeo ...

Purpose: This paper aims to examine the existence of the ripple effect from Amsterdam to the housing markets of other regions in The Netherlands. It identifies which regional housing markets are influenced by house price movements in Amsterdam. Design/methodology/approach: The ...

This paper establishes a simple affordability model that implicitly incorporates the major Dutch market features to elucidate long-run house prices under a regulatory environment. The results reveal a long-run relationship for house prices under strict regulations. The associa ...

House price modeling has been frequently used to investigate the dynamics of housing markets, especially competitive markets; yet less attention has been given to markets that have experienced considerable interventions. The aim of this study is to demonstrate a mismatch between ...
The recent Global Financial Crisis has lent even greater urgency to the need for households to understand the risks and dynamics of the residential property market better. This paper uses a rich dataset on individual residential property transactions between 1995 and 2014 in Amst ...

A Newly Identified Source of Potential CPI Bias

Weekly versus Monthly Unit Value Price Indexes

We find that unit value prices used for constructing the CPI should be for the same period as the index to be constructed, rather than for a sub-period. The latter approach can lead to an upward bias in the CPI.@en

Interurban house price gradient

Effect of urban hierarchy distance on house prices