
9 records found

Architecture students and research courses

Are they aligned? Students’ attitude towards research courses

Research courses are part of many higher education curricula. However, students’ attitudes towards statistics and research courses tend to be negative. One way to measure students’ attitude is with the Revised-Attitudes Towards Research scale (R-ATR). The current study examined: ...

Home ownership under changing labour and housing market conditions

Tenure preferences and outcomes among freelancers and flex workers

Increasingly, policy-makers regard flexible labour as a condition for a well-functioning economy, while they also tend to regard home ownership as the superior tenure. These two goals appear to be contradictory, as mortgage lenders prefer clients with a permanent, uninterrupted i ...

Aardbevingen en de woningmarkt in Groningen

Slechte verkoopbaarheid beïnvloedt realisatie verhuiswensen

In deze bijdrage brengen we woningmarktontwikkelingen in het door aardbevingen getroffen gebied in de provincie Groningen in beeld. De resultaten laten zien dat het herstel van de woningmarkt in het risicogebied achter blijft bij de rest van de provincie. De slechte verkoopbaarhe ...
The extraction of natural gas in the north of The Netherlands has led to soil subsidence and the occurrence of earthquakes. Residents worry about the safety of their families and the saleability of their dwelling and might want to move. The goal is to examine whether the earthqua ...
Dit onderzoek is uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Gemeente Nijmegen in samenwerking met provincie Gelderland, Stichting Talis en Stichting Portaal.@en

Monitor koopwoningmarkt

2e kwartaal 2016 (hoofdrapport)

Om de informatie voor de lezer overzichtelijk te houden en om de betekenis van de informatie beter te kunnen interpreteren, is er gekozen voor een indeling van de publicatie naar thema’s. De achterliggende gedachte bij de gekozen thema’s is dat een feitelijke transactie op de koo ...

Monitor koopwoningmarkt

2e kwartaal 2016 (samenvatting)

In relatieve zin heeft de nieuwbouwmarkt van koopwoningen zich sinds 2013 even sterk hersteld als de markt van bestaande koopwoningen. Maar de dynamiek op de nieuwbouw-markt was natuurlijk veel verder weggezakt en de laatste drie kwartalen stokt het aantal verkochte nieuwbouwkoop ...

Monitor koopwoningmarkt

3e kwartaal 2016 (samenvatting)

De door het Kadaster geregistreerde aantallen nieuwe hypotheken (ruim 83.700) en trans-acties van koopwoningen (ruim 60.700) in het derde kwartaal van 2016 betekenen wederom een flinke stijging ten opzichte van het vorige kwartaal en van hetzelfde kwartaal een jaar geleden. De wo ...

Monitor koopwoningmarkt

1e kwartaal 2016 (hoofdrapport)

Om de informatie voor de lezer overzichtelijk te houden en om de betekenis van de informatie beter te kunnen interpreteren, is er gekozen voor een indeling van de publicatie naar thema’s. De achterliggende gedachte bij de gekozen thema’s is dat een feitelijke transactie op de koo ...


11 records found

Adequate Social Housing

Using system dynamics modelling to develop a policy strategy that increases the number of adequate rental properties in the Dutch social housing sector

Despite the fact that everyone has the right to adequate housing, this fundamental human right has become a critical manner in several European Union (EU) nations, especially in the Netherlands (OHCHR, 2009; Rosenfeld, 2015; European Parliament, 2020). Despite being the largest s ...

Sturingsmogelijkheden op de Nederlandse woningmarkt gericht op empty-nesters

Een toetsingsmodel dat de impact van sturingsmaatregelen op de doorstroming van de woningmarkt test

Op de huidige Nederlandse woningmarkt heerst een krapte, waardoor de doorstroming van de woningmarkt is vastgelopen. Er is sprake van een kwantitatieve en een kwalitatieve mismatch op de woningmarkt; zowel in aantallen als in type woningen sluiten vraag en aanbod niet op elkaar a ...

Household mobility post-crisis

Examining the impact of macroeconomic and institutional developments on household mobility in the Netherlands

Policy reforms in response to the crisis were initially expected to dampen future house price increases. Instead, the Dutch owner-occupied housing market has overheated not even five years after its recovery. As this could indicate a structural change in the housing demand of hou ...

Understanding housing and neighbourhood preferences of households aged 55 or older

A study about a variety of households, looking for a house in the mid rent or owner-occupied housing sector in the Netherlands

Ageing is a demographic development in the Netherlands that leads to an increasing amount of older households. Most people aged 55 years and older do not want to move or cannot find a house that meets their demand. This is expected to block the housing flow and increase the alrea ...

Stimulating the desire to move

How instruments can improve the willingness to move of owner-occupiers aged 55-75: a case study of Rotterdam

The Dutch population is ageing. The impact of the housing situation of the elderly on society is therefore increasing. The current housing situation of the elderly may be inappropriate regarding the use of space and the wellbeing of the residents. Especially the housing situation ...

The Dutch buy-to-let market

A quantitative study on the characteristics of the Dutch buy-to-let market and the relation between buy-to-let investments and regional house price development

During the last decade, two developments on the Dutch housing market have received a lot of attention. One of these developments concerns the recovering house prices and specifically the strong price rises in cities. The other development is related to the growth of the private r ...

Starters: steeds verder van huis ?

Een analyse op de toegankelijkheid voor starters op de Nederlandse woningmarkt Een quasi - longitudinale vergelijking

The shortage of housing stock in The Netherlands is one of the major societal issues at present. It is predominantly the people who want to enter the housing market for the first time, the so-called ‘starters’, who face severe problems due to a lack of stock and suitable dwelling ...

Asymmetrical partnerships in conceptual housing

How start-ups manage to become competitive in the conceptual housing industry

In the Netherlands there is currently a high demand for affordable housing (Volkshuisvesting en Ruimtelijke Ordening, 2022). Earlier research indicated modular integrated housing can serve as a repercussion against this problem (Khan et al, 2022). The Dutch government wants to pr ...

The potential of 'kluswoningen'

Is the provision of 'kluswoningen' valuable for widening the opportunities of first-time buyers?

The housing shortage in the Netherlands has been a pressing issue, particularly affecting starters and middle-income households who struggle with high prices and limited access to affordable housing. In response, there have been interventions and policies aimed at stimulating sta ...

A place for all households in urban areas

An exploratory study of housing preferences and housing affordability of middle-income households in relation to rental housing supply

Due to several factors, under which the widespread flexibilization in the job market and the fact that it ended up becoming more difficult to take out a mortgage, middle-income households ended up not having access to owner-occupied housing in Dutch urban areas. Also, middle-inco ...

First-time buyers on the Dutch housing market – the starters dilemma

Tackling the starters dilemma – Developers perspective. What are the desired housing preferences of first-time buyers and what trade-offs do they make during the decision-making process to buy an owner-occupied dwelling

"First-time buyer has a chance to buy only 3 percent of owner-occupied dwellings in the Netherlands” (NOS, 2023). This quote reflects the harsh reality of single first-time buyers in the Dutch housing market. The substantial surge in housing prices has exacerbated challenges for ...