H.M.H. van der Heijden
227 records found
Migration across the urban hierarchy
Has China’s urbanisation transitioned from the primate city stage to the secondary city stage?
The population density in megacities in China gives rise to challenges, such as traffic congestion and soaring housing prices. A trend of leaving primate cities can be observed as well as a population increase in secondary cities. These trends might point to an urbanisation trans
Promoting the private rented sector in metropolitan China
Key challenges and solutions
The private rented sector (PRS) plays an increasingly important role in accommodating young people and migrants in China’s metropolitan cities. However, the PRS in China is still underdeveloped, as evidenced by, e.g. a low degree of professionalisation, lack of basic rental laws
De Blankenburgverbinding
De gevolgen voor de regionale woningmarkt
Eind 2024 staat Zuidwest-Nederland op het punt een belangrijke ontwikkeling te verwelkomen met de opening van de langverwachte Blankenburgverbinding. Deze nieuwe snelwegtunnel zal de A20 bij Vlaardingen verbinden met de A15 bij Rozenburg (zie figuur 1). Dit artikel onderzoekt voo
The recent revival of the private rented sector in many regions highlights the importance of understanding the well-being of private renters. While there is a consensus that private renters are less satisfied with their life than homeowners, little attention has been given to exa
Effecten van de Blankenburgverbinding voor de regionale woningmarkt
Module 2: Koopprijsmodel
In 2024 wordt naar verwachting de Blankenburgverbinding geopend, waardoor de A20 bij Vlaardingen en de A15 bij Rozenburg met elkaar worden verbonden. Deze nieuwe verbinding zal niet alleen leiden tot een verbetering van de bereikbaarheid in het omliggende gebied, maar zal ook mog
Unraveling the determinants for private renting in metropolitan China
An application of the Theory of Planned Behavior
After being neglected since the establishment of the housing market in the 1990s, China has recently shown great enthusiasm for developing the housing rental market. It is essential to understand why people choose private renting as it enables us to better identify the demands of
Sustainable business model of affordable zero energy houses
Upscaling potentials
In 2018, the average number of occupants per dwelling is steadily decreasing, creating a demand for small, affordable housing. According to European Union energy targets, new small homes should be energy efficient. However, data clearly shows that energy efficient homes are mostl
Effecten van de Blankenburgverbinding voor de regionale woningmarkt
Module 1: een nulmeting
In 2024 zal naar verwachting de Blankenburgverbinding gereedkomen, waardoor de A20 bij Vlaardingen en de A15 bij Rozenburg met elkaar worden verbonden. Deze nieuwe verbinding zal niet alleen leiden tot een verbetering van de bereikbaarheid in het omliggende gebied, maar zal mogel
Perceived Barriers to Nearly Zero-Energy Housing
Empirical Evidence from Kilkenny, Ireland
In 2010, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive announced that all new buildings are to be nearly zero-energy as of January 2021. Having reached year 2022, it can be said that the transition has proven to be slower than anticipated. Transition research has long acknowledge
De woningcrisis in Nederland vanuit een bestuurlijk perspectief
Achtergronden en oplossingen
Mede als gevolg van grote problemen op de woningmarkt en in het bijzonder het grote woningtekort is er tegenwoordig weer veel aandacht voor het wonen in zowel de pers als de politiek. Na een jarenlange focus op meer marktwerking en decentralisatie lijkt de rijksoverheid recent we
This chapter evaluates the Dutch social housing model and its impact on the quality of neighbourhoods. It describes the theoretical debate on the link between affordable housing and planning and the different models for social rental housing. The chapter looks at the changing lin
Institutional Barriers to Near Zero-Energy Housing
A Context Specific Approach
After more than ten years since the introduction of Near Zero-Energy Buildings (NZEBs), the transition towards a zero-energy new built environment can still be considered slow despite European Member States’ various efforts to facilitate, promote and accelerate their implementati
In 2015 the Housing Act was revised in order to further regulate the social housing sector in the Netherlands and thereby improve the steering possibilities for the central government to coordinate housing associations. This included local performance agreements for social housin
Residential satisfaction of private tenants in China's superstar cities
The case of Shenzhen, China
In recent years, Chinese housing policies have been shifting from encouraging homeownership toward developing the private rented sector, especially in the superstar cities. Nevertheless, what are the target groups and characteristics of private rental housing in Chinese superstar
Despite efforts to promote and accelerate the adoption of innovative, affordable, and zero-energy dwelling solutions, the number of dwellings complying with standards such as the EPBD remains relatively low as we reach year 2020. Studies have already explored potential challenges
Policy Design and Implementation of a New Public Rental Housing Management Scheme in China
A Step Forward or an Uncertain Fate?
The management of the public rental sector has undergone tremendous change worldwide. Especially in China, given the large supply of public rental housing (PRH) in the short term, the management of PRH (PRHM) has been faced with a series of problems. The existing PRHM is unsustai
The Netherlands is not known for the occurrence of earthquakes. This is, however, a hot topic in the province of Groningen. Because of gas extraction, this area suffered from more than 1000 earthquakes. Most of them are not very intensive, but also bigger earthquakes of between 2
The dynamisation and subsequent vulnerability of the Dutch owner‑occupied sector
An analysis of 1986‑2012
This article investigates the backgrounds to changing residential mobility of
Dutch owner‑occupiers from 1986‑2006 and during the 2008-2018 crisis. The Oaxaca‑Blinder decomposition is used to disentangle the main factors at work. Households of all age groups and family types have
De woningproductie in Nederland blijft ver achter bij de ontwikkeling van de woningvraag. Het gevolg is een oplopend woningtekort en sterk stijgende prijzen, vooral in stedelijke gebieden in het westen van het land. In deze bijdrage gaan we in op de vraag wat er toch aan de hand