A.F. Correlje
191 records found
Challenge accepted
Sub-national government authorities and the legitimacy of co-creative redevelopment projects in fossil-industrial regions
Regions reliant on declining fossil fuel production often grapple with upcoming deindustrialisation, economic decline, and deterioration of liveability. In attempts to address these issues proactively, local change agents, including sub-national government authorities, increasing
Key Tensions in the Development of Regional Heat Infrastructure in The Netherlands
The Dilemmas of an Interorganizational Strategy Process
The proposed solutions for sustainable development generally require new links and the involvement of multiple sectors. As a consequence, organizations can rely less on closed and rational analysis-based forms of strategizing; they increasingly see the need for joint strategy pro
This article studies safety management in future gas systems. It is structured around the compatibility of its technological and institutional coordination. We identify how the current mode of safety management is not in harmony with increasingly complex technological and institu
Guest Editorial
Special Issue on “Sustainable urban energy systems – Governance and citizen involvement”
Cities are responsible for over 75% of the total amount of global greenhouse gas emissions. They are also home to the majority of the Earth's population. Ambitious climate mitigation goals can only be realized by transforming fossil based urban energy systems into sustainable, lo
Voor dit onderzoek is data verzameld door middel van sleuteldocumenten, interviews en enquêtes. Alle stakeholders zijn individueel geïnterviewd in november 2022 middels een semigestructureerd interview. Hierbij zijn sleuteldocumenten gebruikt om de positie van een bepaalde stakeh
From expectational conflicts to energy synergies
The evolution of societal value co-creation in energy hub development
Societal value co-creation is an emerging practice in renewable energy projects. Despite its increasing popularity, however, unclarities persist regarding its operationalisation. This paper provides relevant insights by explaining how expectations of societal value co-creation ev
Drawing the line
Opening up and closing down the siting of a high voltage transmission route in the Netherlands
This paper describes the decision-making process regarding the siting of a high voltage transmission line in the southern part of the Netherlands by TenneT, the Transmission System Operator responsible for the electricity infrastructure. TenneT started this siting process by depl
Adapting to changing values
A framework for responsible decision-making in smart city development
Smart cities are proposed as a solution for problems of urbanization. Technologies associated with smart cities involve the monitoring of human activities and resulting data streams. These technologies affect certain public values, which may be subject to change depending on thei
Making progress in the energy transition requires a more concrete conceptualization of the way in which the energy system works, now and in the future. This chapter presents a fairly simple conceptual framework that will help to analyze and understand the way in which communities
African power pools and regional electricity market design
Taking stock of regional integration in energy sectors
While the traditional perspective on regional power pools is that of regional electricity markets, regional power pools in Africa are development tools with unrepresentative and under-researched dynamics in their evolution and market design. Five African power pools are under dev
De verduurzaming van de warmtevraag in de RES-regio Rotterdam Den Haag kent unieke uitdagingen. De regio heeft een grote warmtevraag door haar hoog stedelijk karakter en de vele aanwezige glastuinders. Tegelijkertijd heeft de regio beschikking over meerdere alternatieve warmtebro
A New Carrier for Old Assumptions?
Imagined Publics and Their Justice Implications for Hydrogen Development in the Netherlands
This paper presents an anticipatory approach to energy justice by focusing on the nascent justice and inclusion implications of imagined publics in vision documents for the hydrogen transition in the Netherlands. Based on the results of an interpretive qualitative content analysi
Understanding Value Change in the Energy Transition
Exploring the Perspective of Original Institutional Economics
In this paper, we take inspiration from original institutional economics (OIE) as an approach to study value change within the highly complex assembly of sociotechnical transformations that make up the energy transition. OIE is examined here as a suitable perspective, as it combi
Public agency and responsibility in energy governance
A Q study on diverse imagined publics in the Dutch heat transition
In Energy Social Science (ESS), the concept of imagined publics is used to describe how energy actors perceive societal groups around new energy technologies and projects. Findings indicate that imagined publics often build upon deficit assumptions; people are (unjustly) consider
A Healthy Metaphor?
The North Sea Consultation and the Power of Words
The North Sea Consultation was set up to resolve conflicting claims for space in the North Sea. In 2020, this consultation process resulted in the North Sea Agreement, which was supported by the Dutch Parliament and cabinet as a long-term policy; however, the fishing sector felt
Upholding safety in future energy systems
The need for systemic risk assessment
This paper argues that energy systems are becoming increasingly complex, and illustrates how new types of hazards emerge from an ongoing transition towards renewable energy sources. It shows that the energy sector relies heavily on risk assessment methods that are analytic, and t
This paper identifies safety concerns that arise from ongoing technical and institutional changes in the Dutch gas sector. The Netherlands has a well-developed gas infrastructure that primarily transports natural gas, although its constituting features are undergoing major change
When controversies cascade
Analysing the dynamics of public engagement and conflict in the Netherlands and Switzerland through “controversy spillover”
Energy controversies have been widely studied. Such studies are, however, generally based on either single case studies, providing rich and in-depth understanding of (local) dynamics of planning and implementation processes, or they focus on understanding responses to a specific
Energy initiatives often lead to public contestation, even when all actors support the same underlying values. The reason for contestation can be found in different interpretations of these values. This causes a serious problem in the operationalisation of responsible innovation