
20 records found

The thesis analyses the role of public participation and energy justice perceptions of local stakeholders on policy-making in the heating transition in the district Mariahoeve in The Hague. The thesis shows that the municipality of The Hague approaches public participation both t ...
Over the past few decades, sustainable development has become one of society's most important challenges. In an effort to become sustainable, many companies experience an increasing need to measure, manage and improve the negative economic, environmental and social impacts caused ...

Entrepreneurship in Tanzania

How local SMEs deal with the socio-cultural and economic context of the Tanzanian business environment

Entrepreneurship is often seen as one of the main measures to combat poverty in SSA. Yet, efforts still have not led to sustainable economic development. Scholars are arguing that new policies should be developed that build forth on existing values and institutions, instead of wo ...
In 2018, the European Union laid the foundation for a large-scale energy transition: away from fossil-based energy and towards renewable, sustainable energy solutions. The need for a transition is mainly accepted, but it is questioned whether all European Union citizens benefit f ...

Local values towards a local heat transition

Guiding neighbourhood participation in the Dutch urban heat transition through the IAD framework

This thesis sets out to support decision-making processes throughout the Dutch urban heat transition. Over the last few years, calls from both academic literature and practise have emerged stating that participation throughout these processes is of utmost importance. Not only to ...

Greening up my sports club

A qualitative exploration of sustainability transformation at Dutch sports clubs

The societal need for sustainability transformation is crucial in light of climate change, and the role of individual action and behavioural changes is considered critical in meeting the Paris agreement. Radical shifts in social norms are required, which could be achieved through ...

Learning factors from experiments in Sustainable Urban Freight Transport

A Strategic Niche Management Analysis of Electric Truck experiments

In the Netherlands the cities of Rotterdam and Amsterdam are coping with problems of air quality and congestion caused by inner-city transport. The continued demand for cleaner air, especially in the inner-city, has produced multiple experiments in sustainable transport.Some of t ...

Detection of Hidden Moralities in the Energy Transition

An explorative study for the development of a research method

In light of recent failures in policy dossiers with regard to the identification of need claims of citizens, participatory procedures have been made mandatory for municipalities in the constitution of a carbon-neutral energy system. However, the legitimacy of mainstream participa ...

Urban living labs during COVID-19

Exploring the relationship between social cohesion and urban living labs

Climate change is and will have a severe impact on urban areas. Dutch cities are actively searching ways for successful climate adaptation. One way to do this is by experimenting with sustainable innovations in urban living labs (ULLs). This is a place where different urban actor ...

Maximisation of Shareholder’s Value and The Theory of Innovative Enterprise

A Case Study Comparison of Two Automotive Enterprises

Twenty years ago, American-style shareholder capitalism, with its focus on maximising shareholders’ value (MSV), was widening its lead (in terms of economic growth) over European-style stakeholder capitalism. Nevertheless, the U.S. economy runs large trade deficits, inequality in ...

Public opinion on Twitter

A case study on palm oil

The theory of the Habermasian public sphere is applied to Twitter. To do so, the traditional literature on public opinion is combined with more recent literature on social media. After the literature research the main knowledge gap is identified. This gap is the lacking relation ...

Community repair as a space for emerging circular economy imaginaries

An exploratory study of sociotechnical imaginaries in the repair cafe community in Amsterdam

The circular economy is becoming an increasingly popular framework, guiding policymakers and practitioners toward sustainable resource management and economic development. While the concept is promising in providing guidelines toward the efficient use of resources and waste minim ...

Windfalls from Extractive Activities in Colombia

A Support for Regional Growth and Development?

Authors such as Clough (1955) and Rostow (1960) believed that countries endowed with natural resources could achieve sustainable economic growth. This belief was based on the role coal and oil had during the 19th and 20th century in the industrial development of countries such as ...

Wind energy acceptance

Linking perceived impacts and characteristics in Dutch wind energy projects

The number of wind energy projects in Europe has increased rapidly in the last decade and this growth is expected to continue. In the Netherlands there is a similar increase in the amount of wind energy projects. Wind energy projects, as large-scale infrastructural works and buil ...

Energy Justice in the Dutch Heating Transition

Exploring justice considerations in Energy Model Use Cases in the Netherlands

The energy transition is a fundamental shift in the world’s energy landscape, aimed at reducing carbon emissions and transitioning to a more sustainable, low-carbon energy system. This transition is closely aligned with the goals of the Paris Agreement, the landmark international ...

Co-Creation for Sustainable Energy Transition

A Case Study of Local Energy Cooperatives in the Metropolitan Region Rotterdam The Hague

The irreversible effects of climate change have led to a significant increase in citizen-led and initiated local energy cooperatives. Playing a crucial role in the shift to renewable energy, these cooperatives are evolving from informal community groups to structured organisation ...

Peer-to-Peer Parcel Delivery

Exploring governance arrangements to protect sustainability as a public value

This research answers the question “What kind of governance arrangements can be used to safeguard sustainability when dealing with peer-to-peer parcel delivery?” by looking at the actors that are currently active in the field, how these initiatives incorporate sustainability, wha ...

Restarting Greece

Secular Stagnation of Total Factor Productivity Growth and the Greek Innovation System

In 2008, the crash of the housing market bubble lead not only to the collapse of the U.S financial system, but also to a Global Financial Crisis. The Eurozone was hurt, and the impact was not uniform. The “sick periphery”, and in particular Greece, still suffer from the consequen ...

Citizen preferences regarding municipal solid waste re-use measures

A stated choice experiment to analyze the preferences of the citizens living in the municipalities served by Meerlanden regarding the re-use of municipal solid waste

Worldwide, material consumption has expanded rapidly. The Netherlands has become wealthier, citizens can afford more products and therefore the amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) increased enormously. The distribution of MSW is associated with environmental problems and health ...

Guide to green

Developing a tool that provides insights into the use of message framing for pro-environmental consumer behaviour change

The goal of this thesis was to ‘develop a tool that offers insights in message framing for behaviour change to improve communication towards customers.’ By using an Design Based Research and Double Diamond approach constant iterations were made between theory and practice to deve ...