
11 records found

Energy justice and controversies

Formal and informal assessment in energy projects

In this paper we develop a framework for understanding how justice-related claims play a role in the dynamics of controversy in energy projects. We do so by distinguishing two interacting trajectories of assessment: a formal trajectory that is embedded in the legal system and an ...

Participatory multi-modelling as the creation of a boundary object ecology

The case of future energy infrastructures in the Rotterdam Port Industrial Cluster

Finding leverage points for sustainability transformation of industrial and infrastructure systems is challenging, given that transformation is emergent from the complex interactions among socio-technical system elements over time within a specific social, technical and geographi ...

Governing crowd-based innovations

An interdisciplinary research agenda

The crowd increasingly plays a key role in facilitating innovations in a variety of sectors, spurred on by IT-developments and the concomitant increase in connectivity. Initiatives in this direction, captured under the umbrella-term ‘crowd-based innovations’ (CBI), offer novel op ...
The Transition Network is a global grassroots network that supports community-led resilience in the face of global change. This paper reports on an ethnographic study of one of its longest-running projects, Transition Town Lewes (TTL) in the United Kingdom. The aim of the study i ...
In today's society a variety of challenges need attention because they are considered to affect our well-being. Many of these challenges can be addressed with new innovations, yet they may also introduce new challenges. Communication of these new innovations is vital. This import ...

Exploring incumbents’ agency

Institutional work by grid operators in decentralized energy innovations

The agency of incumbents has gained increasing attention in the study of transitions. Recent studies show that besides being inert and resistant to change, incumbents can also support transitions. We focus on the agency of a particular type of incumbent, grid operators. In severa ...

Industrial Symbiosis

Towards a design process for eco-industrial clusters by integrating Circular Economy and Industrial Ecology perspectives

Industrial Symbiosis (IS) is a collective approach to competitive advantage in which separate industries create a cooperative network to exchange materials, energy, water and/or by-products. By addressing issues related to resource depletion, waste management and pollution, IS pl ...

De toekomst van het stedelijk watersysteem

Opereren in een stad vol transities

Gedreven door ontwikkelingen zoals klimaatverandering, verstedelijking en digitalisering zien we in het stedelijk watersysteem steeds vaker oplossingen ‘buiten de buis’. Oplossingen zoals publieke pleinen met een waterbergende functie, polderdaken met een dynamische waterberging, ...

Eindrapportage Project Windmaster

De weg naar een adaptief investeringsbeleid

Nederland is op weg naar een CO2-neutrale samenleving in 2050. Zo ook het haven industrieel cluster van Rotterdam (HIC). Om dat te bereiken zal de energievoorziening de komende jaren moeten veranderen. Deze verandering heeft een grote impact op de energieinfrastructuur. In het Wi ...

Reviewing responsible research and innovation

Lessons for a sustainable innovation research agenda?

The crowd increasingly plays a key role in facilitating innovations in a variety of sectors, spurred on by IT developments and the concomitant increase in connectivity. Initiatives in this direction, captured under the umbrella term ‘crowd-based innovations’, offer novel opportun ...


9 records found

Peer-to-Peer Parcel Delivery

Exploring governance arrangements to protect sustainability as a public value

This research answers the question “What kind of governance arrangements can be used to safeguard sustainability when dealing with peer-to-peer parcel delivery?” by looking at the actors that are currently active in the field, how these initiatives incorporate sustainability, wha ...

Institutional dimension of flood risk

Understanding institutional complexity in Flood Risk Management for the case of St Maarten

As extreme weather events increase both in frequency and magnitude (IPCC, 2012, 2014), and considering that over 60% of the world population lives in coastal areas (UNEP, 2016) flood risk is increasing. Hereby, the need to address Flood Risk Management (FRM) becomes evident. Espe ...

Designing a Just Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading System

An exploration of actions to be performed by the Municipality of Rotterdam to approach a just peer-to-peer energy trading system for the community of Bospolder-Tussendijken

The rapid development of renewable technologies has opened the opportunity for households to produce their own energy, and to either self-consume or sell it. In the Netherlands, it is projected that not less than 7 GW of solar PV capacity will be installed in 2020. Therefore, the ...
With the help of a qualitative case study and existing literature from scientific fields like social sciences, psychology, policy studies, and innovation studies a research framework was compiled for studying imagination as a driving force for innovation fueled by its social cont ...

Design for Values in Smart Electricity Grid Components

An explorative analysis into stakeholder interpretations of the values at stake within The Netherlands

Long before the existence of today’s computer, information and communication technologies, the design of current energy grids has been set. Nowadays, ‘conventional’ energy grids – including electricity, gas and thermal grids – are being transformed into smart grids, which consist ...

Towards Decentralised Energy Systems

An Analysis of the Distribution of Tasks to Safeguard Essential Energy Sector's Public Values

Reframing deadlocked airport policy discourse

New perspectives on sustainable aviation in the Netherlands

A practice theory approach for studying clothing consumption in the Netherlands consisting of a practice analysis, and two case studies of alternative forms of practice. Aim of the research was to assess the potential of these alternative forms of practice to change the organizat ...