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E.M. Nieuwenhuis

8 records found

Urban areas are highly dependent on their urban water systems, which provide essential services such as access to clean drinking water, public health protection, and flood control. Global developments increasingly threaten the provision of these services: changing weather pattern ...
Urban water systems worldwide need integrated, cross-sectoral innovations to anticipate developments like climate change and population growth. Development and implementation of such innovations is challenging due to the operational and sectoral mindset of organizations in which ...

The role of integration for future urban water systems

Identifying Dutch urban water practitioners' perspectives using Q methodology

Urban water systems are under increased pressure from ongoing developments like climate change, population growth and urbanization. While it is clear that current urban water challenges need a more integrated approach, practitioners disagree on what such an integrated approach me ...

Towards the integrated management of urban water systems

Conceptualizing integration and its uncertainties

Climate change and urbanization, as well as growing environmental and economic concerns, highlight the limitations of traditional wastewater practices and thereby challenge the management of urban water systems. Both in theory and in practice, it has been widely acknowledged that ...

Root causes of failures in sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS)

An exploratory study in 11 municipalities in the Netherlands

Despite being widely implemented, sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) do not always function flawlessly. While SUDS have been tested extensively and seem to perform well on a laboratory or pilot scale, practitioners’ experience is different: failures in SUDS occur regularly ...

De toekomst van het stedelijk watersysteem

Opereren in een stad vol transities

Gedreven door ontwikkelingen zoals klimaatverandering, verstedelijking en digitalisering zien we in het stedelijk watersysteem steeds vaker oplossingen ‘buiten de buis’. Oplossingen zoals publieke pleinen met een waterbergende functie, polderdaken met een dynamische waterberging, ...
The accumulation of FOG (Fat, Oil and Grease) deposits in sewer pumping stations results in an increase in maintenance costs, malfunctioning of pumps and, a potential increase of wastewater spills in receiving open water bodies. It is thought that a variety of parameters (e.g. ge ...
Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) deposits are an important contributor to blockages of building drainage systems. Such blockages bring along undesirable financial, health and environmental costs, and thereby burden society. It is unclear to what extent the behavior of inhabitants, and m ...