S.P.A. Duinmeijer

7 records found

Experiments are conducted in a Ø600 mm tank to analyse the 3D motion of buoyant particles in the free-surface vortex flow. The experiments revealed two stages in the particle motion: stage 1 is the helical motion along the vortex air core and stage 2 is the axial motion inside th ...
In order to analyse the flow characteristics of free-surface vortexes and to validate the Burgers vortex model by using stereo particle image velocimetry, experiments are conducted in a 600 mm diameter vortex tank. Measured axial velocities indicate that 10–25% of the flow is tra ...
This is an experimental and theoretical research on the motion of buoyant particles in the flow of a free-surface vortex at moderate to high particle Reynolds numbers. @en
Vortices are a very common phenomenon to consider in many hydraulic engineering problems, e.g. when designing pump sumps or intake works for turbines. Until now, the focus is on avoiding the development of vortices because of induction of cavitation and air entrainment by a fully ...
The accumulation of FOG (Fat, Oil and Grease) deposits in sewer pumping stations results in an increase in maintenance costs, malfunctioning of pumps and, a potential increase of wastewater spills in receiving open water bodies. It is thought that a variety of parameters (e.g. ge ...
Wastewater pumping stations can experience problems due the presence of floating particles of solidified fat and grease. To transport this debris, the ability of free-surface vortices as transport mechanism is investigated. An experimental set-up is developed where the behaviour ...
Sumps of wastewater pumping station can experience problems due the formation of (solid) floating layers of fat and scum as a result of insufficient current guidelines for sump design with respect to transport of floating debris. To complimentary the guidelines, the use of free-s ...