A. Ersoy
50 records found
The Potential of AI in Information Provision in Energy-Efficient Renovations
A Narrative Review of Literature
Energy-efficient renovation (EER) is a complex process essential for reducing emissions in the built environment. This research identifies homeowners as the main decision-makers, whereas intermediaries and social interactions between peers are highly influential in home renovatio
Introduction: Shock chains and parallel shocks
Towards a social science of the recovery society
Any one shock is never isolated from other shocks and any one recovery process will be complicated by further related and unrelated shocks and their related recovery processes. This chapter highlights the interactions that occur between shocks that are experienced in parallel or
Fragmented recoveries and proactive adaptability
New paradigm shifts, and theoretical directions to unpacking recovery processes and behavioural change
The nature of shocks and crisis is highly diverse; crises and shocks tend to conglomerate rather than occur as single events. People and places are affected differently and have distinct abilities and resources to respond, cope and recover. Key here are path-dependent socio-econo
In recent decades, various programs have been developed as part of Chile’s housing policies to respond to the housing deficit. Most policies have so far focused on addressing the quantitative, qualitative, and urban deficits, neglecting the social dimension of housing. At the sam
‘Mattering’ the circular economy
Tackling the Achilles’ heel of sustainable places via adopting a critical-relational perspective
The transition towards a circular economy (CE) is seen as vital for developing sustainable places. CE is used as a new buzzword, as well as an inducement to innovate and change socio-economic practices, by a diverse set of actors to meet sustainability and other goals. Genuine tr
Voor dit onderzoek is data verzameld door middel van sleuteldocumenten, interviews en enquêtes. Alle stakeholders zijn individueel geïnterviewd in november 2022 middels een semigestructureerd interview. Hierbij zijn sleuteldocumenten gebruikt om de positie van een bepaalde stakeh
It is recommended to integrate specific management competencies in academic education to support the transition towards environmentally sustainable practices, particularly in the construction and real estate sector. This paper explores how architectural management education can i
Adapting a systems perspective for sectoral coordination
Approaching flood resilience in Houston and Accra
Increasing resilience to flooding is a complex process that requires horizontal and vertical coordination between institutions in policy making and implementation. This paper explores the effect of institutional coordination on managing flood risk in two cities plagued by floodin
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most dicussed topics of today and are being used to support solving complex problems. AI has given opportunities for efficiency, control, safety while raising issues around trust, optimism and responsibility. One of the prominent
The magic of ordinary rather than extraordinary resilience?
Higher education and longer-term pandemic impacts
COVID-19 initially closed universities forcing rapid adoption of online teaching. This chapter reflects on pandemic recovery in the context of higher education and explores some of the longer-term impacts that the pandemic has had on academic practice. Recovery is a complex and h
Transit-Oriented Development in China
A Comparative Content Analysis of the Spatial Plans of High-Speed Railway Station Areas
With rapid high-speed railway (HSR) developments in China, HSR-based transit-oriented development (TOD) has proliferated across the country. Although local governments claim that HSR station areas are planned according to TOD principles, some scholars argue that these station are
The delivery of urban basic infrastructure services is often guided by the modern infrastructure ideal, which aims for technical innovation, economic efficiency and uniformity through long-term, centralized management approaches. In rapidly growing urban centres of the global Sou
Overcoming communication and information barriers in the Dutch energy transition
A study on online sources of energy-efficient retrofits in homeowners’ associations
This paper focuses on the information and communication challenges in the Dutch energy transition in the built environment, with a specific focus on energy-efficient retrofits (EER) in homeowners’ associations (HOAs). The research surveyed the literature on barriers and drivers r
A Framework for Co‐Design Processes and Visual Collaborative Methods
An Action Research Through Design in Chile
With the urgency to adapt cities to social and ecological pressures, co-design has become essential to legitimise transformations by involving citizens and other stakeholders in their design processes. Public spaces remain at the heart of this transformation due to their accessib
Basic infrastructure services – water and sanitation, waste collection and management, transport, energy, and housing – form the foundation upon which cities are built. Sustainable and equitable provision of services is key to combating climate change, eradicating poverty and mee
Urban living labs (ULLs) are progressive forms of interventions that aim to fulfil the sustainability ambitions of cities and communities. They provide opportunities to translate new ideas into practice. The increasing interest among researchers, practitioners, and policy makers
The development of high-speed railway (HSR) new towns in China represents a new phase of suburbanization and has had a significant impact on urban expansion, but not all of its mechanisms and drivers have been studied. This article aims to understand the booming development of HS
The rapid high-speed railway development in China has faced many institutional challenges for the integrated development of transport and land use in station areas. This paper aims to gain insight into the institutional rules that structure the actors’ interactions and how they i
Towards a framework for urban landscape co-design
Linking the participation ladder and the design cycle
With the increasing social and ecological pressures on urban settlements, re-thinking how we produce them becomes a growing concern. Due to the diversity of actors across sectors and backgrounds involved in such design processes, collaboration is of utmost importance. Co-design c
The catalyst for this book emerged in late 2019 with the first reports of a
‘mystery pneumonia’ taking hold in the Chinese city of Wuhan (Horton,
2020). This virus was confirmed by authorities as a new type of Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and given the acr