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R.M. Rooij

99 records found

It is recommended to integrate specific management competencies in academic education to support the transition towards environmentally sustainable practices, particularly in the construction and real estate sector. This paper explores how architectural management education can i ...


Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen, 2e editie

Het boek Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen geeft een verdiepend beeld van bouwkunde als wetenschappelijke discipline, gaat expliciet in op de relatie tussen ontwerp en onderzoek en richt zich met name op praktische vaardigheden die bouwkundestudenten ontwikkelen gedurend ...
Evaluation of educational innovation at the course level is dominated by frameworks that are linear, built on simple models, lack grounding in theory, and are generally not flexible enough to provide actionable recommendations for improvements. Moreover, the guidelines provided b ...


Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen

Het boek Academische Vaardigheden voor Bouwkundigen geeft een verdiepend beeld van bouwkunde als wetenschappelijke discipline, gaat expliciet in op de relatie tussen ontwerp en onderzoek en richt zich met name op praktische vaardigheden die bouwkundestudenten ontwikkelen gedurend ...
Future-proof engineering curricula can cope with fast-changing circumstances, and the opportunities and threats these bring along in the context of the curriculum. Curriculum Agility (CA) is a concept aimed at helping higher education institutions analyse how responsive their pro ...
Based on the understanding of the built environment as result of competing claims on space that must be resolved via recognition, fair distribution of burdens and benefits of our human association, respect and care for the planet and just procedures to decide on those claims, Spa ...
Rondetafelsessie met Remon Rooij, Olaf Oosting Michiel Susebeek, Hans Wamelink, Emma de Wijs, Indy van de Sande, Helmut Thoele. @en

An Action Plan for the Mediterranean

A Case of EU Policy Transfer to the Mediterranean Basin

Although for millennia the Mediterranean has facilitated the exchange of goods and people, in recent decades, it has been treated as a border between continents, nations and supranational institutions, with the European Union on one side and MENA region on the other. Yet pressing ...
In this paper, we take the position that teaching engineering itself is a design science. Engineering educators worldwide creatively design, implement, and evaluate new ways of teaching to facilitate the learning of their students and to respond to various societal challenges. Sa ...

Ruimte voor ieders onderwijstalent

Zes adviezen voor zichtbaar(der) succes op de werkvloer voor het erkennen en waarderen van University Teaching, docentkwaliteit en onderwijsloopbanen binnen de 4TU’s

In-Between Nature

Reconsidering Design Practices for Territories In-Between from a Social-Ecological Perspective

During past decades, Territories in-Between (TiB) have gained increased attention among researchers in the field of urban planning and design. TiB are often considered to be underused, lack spatial quality and are under mounting pressure of urban densification. However, the rich ...
The Department of Urbanism of the TU Delft is organised in six sections: Spatial Planning & Strategy (SPS), Urban Design, Environmental Technology & Design, Urban Studies, Landscape Architecture, and Urban Data Science. SPS has three distinct and complementary pillars: (i ...
For universities, educational change at institutional level is a slow process [1], [2]. To keep up with societal and technological advancement, education innovation project leaders at universities need practical guidelines and procedures in place that will enable sustainable and ...
Teaching design skills to engineering students has long been one of the main building blocks of the bachelor curriculums at the TU Delft faculties of Industrial Design Engineering and Architecture & the Built Environment. We observe that our students achieve high-level (design) c ...

Reflection in Engineering Education

White paper ‘100 DAYS OF… REFLECTION’

Reflection is a term often heard. But what is actually meant by it in the context of engineering education? How do we see reflection being applied in engineering, and where? To what could it contribute? And what are challenges involved? In 100 days, ‘Reflection in Engineering Edu ...
Interviewen is een veelvoorkomende wetenschappelijke methode on informatie te verzamelen. Belangrijk is dat het interview inhoudelijk goed aansluit bij jouw ontwerpopgave of onderzoek. Daarnaast helpt het enorm om te werken met een systematische aanpak bij het vastleggen, ordenen ...

The UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040

For sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities and communities in the Mediterranean

The UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 establishes a common vision to tackling urban challenges in the region. It is the result of a 3-year collaboration between the European Commission and all 42 UfM Member States, aiming to improve the quality of life for all citi ...

The UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 - Axis of Intervention 1 Housing Action Plan

For inclusive, integrated, and sustainable urban development and regeneration

The UfM Strategic Urban Development Action Plan 2040 establishes a common vision to tackling urban challenges in the region. It is the result of a 3-year collaboration between the European Commission and all 42 UfM Member States, aiming to improve the quality of life for all citi ...