
20 records found

Restorative ruins

How can the brownfield-urban forest bring forward restorative qualities for human nature?

Brownfields can bring forward unique spatial qualities in the urban environment: spatial exceptionality, re-usable infrastructures & imperfection that could bring forward the experience of being in a whole other world, while being in the middle of a city. However, these sites are ...

Een stad vol verhalen

Een onderzoek naar het programma voor een nieuw gefragmenteerd museum in stadsdeel Feijenoord aan de hand van verhalen van bewoners

Het Museum van Rotterdam moest eind vorig jaar zijn deuren sluiten, omdat het te weinig bezoekers trok en het gebouw niet meer voldeed aan zijn functie. De Raad voor Kunst en Cultuur stelde daarom een alternatief voor; een Nieuwe stadsmuseale functie (NSF) die wellicht niet in éé ...

Re-Assembling Semarang City

A Strategic Framework for Semarang City, An Exploration of the Local Adaptive Mechanism in Urban Mitigation Planning

Semarang City is located in the northern part of Java Island, Indonesia. As an important port city, Semarang’s urban fabric is closely related to its infrastructure: water and traffic networks. However, since the 1980s, the acceleration of Semarang urban growth has not been suppo ...

Veerkrachtig Feijenoord

Een urban farm voor in de wijk Feijenoord in Rotterdam

Onderzoek naar een urban farm in de wijk Feijenoord in Rotterdam. Hoe een urban farm een bijdrage kan leveren aan de duurzame leefomgeving in Feijenoord.

Retrofitting Rotterdam

Sparking incentive for retrofitting intensive-use rooftops in Rotterdam

Cities worldwide are grappling with spatial constraints, particularly in rapidly growing urban areas. Rotterdam, as an aspiring sustainable city, faces similar challenges in balancing sustainability goals with limited space. This predicament extends to the underutilized rooftop s ...

Hier en Daar

An exploration of the potential of urban design processes to foster connectivity for urban areas with a high level of residential diversity

Connectivity within residential diversity is seen of high importance in current times of increasing polarization around economic and ethnic diversity. Due to an (1) erosion of institutions such as family and churches, (2) an increase of homogeneous networks, (3) a rise of urban p ...

Dare to switch off

The transformative Urban Energy Landscape of Oud-Crooswijk

exploitative energy production to meet the demand (Our World in Data, 2021). The current energy system causes climate change, pollution, and pressure on space (Our World in Data, 2021) (Withagen, 1994) (KNMI, 2020)(NOS, 2017). The energy transition begins to take shape, companies ...

The Dialogue of the City

Implementing a productive Citizen Participation Method for Urban Node Development, in Delft the Netherlands

Participatory processes have become unexceptional in Dutch planning. Due to the communicative turn in urban planning, collaborative planning moved up on the local and national government agenda: in 2021 the new environmental act will come into place, which firmly encourages parti ...


The fusion and collision between memory and its physical expression

"As Countless Unconspicuous Elements Build an Urban Landscape, City Memories and Personal Memories Are Spontaneously Formed and Influenced." The research investigates the potential for benches, a ubiquitous element of urban landscapes, to be reimagined as living memorials, thereb ...

Capturing Wishes

Translating personal housing requirements into affordable housing for young adolescents in Rotterdam Zuid

In this paper, design principles for a co-housing project focused at young adults (18-27 years old) wishing to live in the Tarwewijk in Rotterdam Zuid are being proposed. These principles are based on literary research, reference projects, fieldwork and workshops held for student ...

Controllable territory

Young professional friendly liveable neighbourhood

This graduation project aims at creating liveability (in terms of well-functioning control on social relationship and sustainable green in direct home environment) in Xiongan New Town to hosting residents who cannot find a suitable place in Beijing. The great majority of them are ...

The circular business case

Exploring the role of the business case in creating financially feasible and circular biobased housing developments

The construction industry has a significant environmental impact, consumes a large amount of scarce resources, generates a lot of waste, and causes a lot of emissions such as CO2 which contribute to global warming and are all reasons of great concern. A significant portion of the ...


The silence is within

The inner city of Rotterdam is very dense and contains all kinds of activities and people. It is an area every citizen uses and whereby different purposes and behaviors occur. This makes it an area full of life, but also a fragile place looking at the future and its liveability. ...

De Kunst van het Ontmoeten

De invloed van architectuur op de ontmoetingsmomenten van ouderen

The aging population and the policy changes regarding long-term care pose a challenge for dwelling design. Our current way of building is too focused on privacy, comfort, and individualism, which exacerbates loneliness for this vulnerable target group. This graduation project the ...

Biophilic Urban Childhood

A Healthy Childhood with Biophilic City Model under Urban Densification in Post-war Neighbourhood, Zuidwijk

In the first two decades of the 21st century, urbanisation along with the virtualized social and educational methods, childhood today is increasingly becoming an indoor experience. Under urban densification, a high percentage of childhood is lacking outdoor activities, especially ...

Commercial Fulfillment Center

Renovation of Passage de Molenpoort in Nijmegen

Bricolage is a way of thinking, researching and designing. From the perspective of architect, we build our realm using the existing constructing logic and limited materials, to make something new from the old, which seems to be a low-key but efficient way for renovation of Passag ...

A Moveable Feast in Semarang

Designing an Urban Vending Network by Creating Conditions and Opportunities in Order to Facilitate and Manage Street Vending Activities

Semarang is one of the biggest cities in Indonesia under the process of urbanisation, which threatens the underdeveloped capacity of the city. Street vendors booming is an evident phenomenon of urbanisation, it is a new way of urban living to survive in the urban capitalist growt ...

The Nature-Inclusive Redesign

The possibilities of nature-inclusive redesign in Dutch urban monumental buildings

In the last century, biodiversity has come under increasing pressure, and this is also the case in the urban context. The preservation of biodiversity is an important issue. Research shows that part of this biodiversity is largely dependent on the buildings and vegetation in the ...

An Incremental Tamansari

A proposal for a new kampung development system in Bandung, Indonesia

The report will review the co-relation between rapid urbanization in Bandung with the city’s health issues in the informal areas of Bandung. Rapid urbanization is becoming a worldwide phenomena that leads to the realization of informal neighborhoods. Informal urbanization is a ph ...

Permanent Space // Changeable Use

Adaptability without future architectural interventions

Redesigning from the permanent, in which the people using the building need to be more adaptable instead of designing a flexible building was the starting point for this graduation project. Therefore the following research question has been formulated: How could the space plan of ...