
2 records found

Purpose: Across the world, many universities are dealing with a pressure on resources, caused by both organisational developments and ageing campuses. Space utilization studies have a strategic role, providing information on how space is being used, thereby informing decisions ab ...

The added value of smart stadiums

A case study at Johan Cruijff Arena

Purpose The objective of stadium owners is to attract visitors to their stadiums and by this optimally use their business potential. Stadiums face increasing competition from home-viewing options, with which especially aging stadiums have trouble competing. This paper aims to stu ...


18 records found

Smart Tools in the Outpatient Department

Explore to what extent smart tools and layout can contribute to an effective and efficient use of space in the outpatient department of a Dutch hospital

The transformations the healthcare sector is undergoing can be divided into three types of changes; gradual change, sudden change and expected change. The ageing population represents the gradual change. The ageing population brings an increased demand for care, while also an inc ...

'Smart' Outpatient Department

Exploring which potential optimisations of the outpatient department could improve patient experience, medical specialist’s workflow and utilisation of space

Today, the deregulated Dutch healthcare system, the changing demographics and the growing shortage of medical specialists is putting pressure on the entire hospital and its employees. Thus, improving the patient experience, medical specialist’s workflow and utilisation of space w ...

The Osservanza

An integrated adaptive reuse project

Historical campuses enabled post-Age of Enlightenment organizations’ operations and allowed them to adapt with times, supporting their processes of adaptive reuse transformation throughout the institutions’ recursive managerial cycles. However, the radical reforms which concerned ...

'Smart' Facility Management in building fire emergency response operations

An empirical research with the focus on multi-criteria analysis for supporting the selection of smart emergency applications in the Facility Management

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to add to the existing body of knowledge and increase the understanding of the contribution of current smart emergency applications to the facility manager with the focus on required information during building fire emergency response operat ...

Smart Campus Tools 2021

Gaining insights from universities and other organizations to support the back-to-campus movement following COVID-19

On January 30, 2020, the WHO Emergency Committee declared a global health emergency based on increasing reports of Chinese and international cases. The unprecedented impact of COVID-19 has also affected education systems around the world. This means that more than 1.6 billion stu ...

Smart Stadium Tools

An explorative case study of the Johan Cruijff ArenA: identification and optimization of smart tools in stadiums

Today’s stadiums face increasing competition from home-viewing options, powered by better camera angles and multiplatform, multimedia experiences. Concurrent with these trends is the increase in computing power and near ubiquity of the smartphone. These technological developments ...

Choosing your place

Making a user journey to illuminate the possibilities of smart tools to support new users of the campus in choosing their workplace

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to research the potential of smart tools in the increasingly dynamic used campus workplace from a user perspective, to provide the campus manager with information on both the smart tool product and the smart tool implementation process. Me ...

Enabling the adaptive reuse of industrial heritage - A municipal perspective

Studying the involvement of the municipality in the adaptive reuse process of industrial heritage buildings

Introduction - Industrial heritage buildings possess unique characteristics and significant potential, yet often many remain vacant: presenting an untapped opportunity. Adaptive reuse of these buildings can have an extra-large impact, especially as catalysts for urban (re)develop ...

The Organisational Structure of the University Real Estate Department

Real Estate Management and Organisational Structure at Dutch Universities

University real estate organisations are heavily influenced by the context in which they operate. Within this dynamic context, real estate organisations choose a particular organisational structure. Changes in organisational context can imply a reconsideration of the organisation ...

Managing religious heritage

Designing an accommodation strategy for Dutch churches

Secularisation is leading to an increasing amount of obsolete churches in the Netherlands. There is a need for decision making on which churches to preserve and how to deal with the preserved churches. Adaptively reusing these buildings can safeguard them from demolition. Adaptiv ...

How public real estate sets the stage towards a sustainable future

A research into the facts, possibilities, and challenges of sustainable real estate strategies for municipalities in the Netherlands

Municipalities are aware that professionalizing their real estate management is necessary to become CO2 neutral before 2050 and that it even can create cost reduction and can add value in the long term. Many municipalities are now working on a specified portfolio identification w ...

Innovation District Development in Dutch practice

An exploration on the role of the built environment with recommendations on role-taking by local public authorities in innovation district development: the Case of the Merwe-Vierhavens & RDM – as part of the CityPorts project

This research explores the roles local public authorities can deploy in innovation district planning and development and the spatial conditions and interventions they should enhance to stimulate innovation through the built environment. Because cities are promoting and investing ...

A strategic approach to 'Office as a Service'

An explorative study into the optimization of the physical resource in order to obtain maximum added value

Problem statement: Organisations need real estate to enable them to perform their activities effectively and efficiently in a safe, protected and pleasurable environment. Typically, large organisations use many buildings to perform their activities. The relationship between a bui ...

Envisioning the future of study places

Lessons learned from the general educational buildings at TU Delft

This thesis examines how TU Delft could adapt its study places in generic educational buildings to meet current and future demands. This research is done through a literature review and an examination of three representative cases at TU Delft and in-depth, semi-structured intervi ...

Wi-Fi network-based indoor localisation

The case of the TU Delft campus

The current trend towards the use of smart tools within universities open up new opportunities. Insight in the location and daily rhythms of users within the building form valuable input for many decision-making processes within campus management. Unlike the outdoor environment, ...

Internet of Things (IoT) in Real Estate

Designing guideline for employee-oriented Internet of Things (IoT) implementation in office real estate

The purpose of this research is to extend knowledge on adding value to office employees (end users) due to smart technology implementation. The focus of this research document is given to end users since the problem statement emphasises a need of a strategic change in CREM’s acti ...
The Dutch national climate agreement mentions important goals related to sustainability. The task is to reduce CO2 emissions by 49% in 2030 compared to 1990 and by 80 to 95% in 2050. To achieve these goals, every sector, including public real estate like universities, needs to co ...

The Circular Economy Transition In Existing Public Real Estate

An overview of the facts and barriers of the central government’s real estate

Problem statement - The global community is facing scarcity of finite materials and environmental pollution. In response to these mounting issues, the government of the Netherlands plans to transition to a circular economy (CE) by 2050. The shift towards a CE affects the built en ...