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A.C. den Heijer

3 records found

At the beginning of 2023, the collective universities, represented by UNL (“Universiteiten van Nederland”, an association of universities in the Netherlands), commissioned a project to explore knowledge sharing about the past, present, and future of Campus NL. The focus is on cam ...

Campuses, Cities and Innovation

39 international cases accommodating tech-based research

The relationship between (technology) campuses and cities was a central theme in Flavia Curvelo Magdaniel’s doctoral research, which was defended and published in September 2016. During her PhD study she collected data of thirty-nine technology campuses, which has been considered ...
Dit collegedictaat behandelt de belangrijkste thema's in (Corporate) Real Estate Management. Na een inleidend hoofdstuk volgen nog elf hoofdstukken, waarvan vier hoofdstukken het domein van vastgoedmanagement en de uitgangspunten uit hoofdstuk 1 nader toelichten, en zeven hoofdst ...