
3 records found

Purpose: Across the world, many universities are dealing with a pressure on resources, caused by both organisational developments and ageing campuses. Space utilization studies have a strategic role, providing information on how space is being used, thereby informing decisions ab ...
Health is a trending topic in the office market, yet scientific research on healthy offices is scattered. This study undertakes a systematic literature review on the relationship between the interior space of offices and physical, psychological and social well-being. The review i ...

Towards smart campus management

Defining information requirements for decision making through dashboard design

At universities worldwide, the notion of a ‘smart campus’ is becoming increasingly appealing as a response to the multitude of challenges that impact campus development and operation. Smart campus tools are widely used to support students and employees, optimise space use and sav ...


17 records found

A campus as a solution for the main location of the Landelijke Eenheid in Driebergen

Towards a campus assessment framework that will support the organization

Recently, campus strategies have become popular in managing portfolios of real estate. The growth of business and employment on campuses has continued unabated in recent years, leading to the conclusion that campuses are a popular location and an engine for new and innovative act ...

Visualisation tools in hospital real estate

Exploring how the use of visualisation tools enhance stakeholder involvement in hospital (re)construction projects

The (re)construction of hospitals is a complicated process because of the wide range of activities by different users in these buildings. When real estate managers and designers team up with hospital stakeholders, it results in better project outcomes. This collaboration benefits ...

Time and the unfinished

A gradual transformation of an industrial site in Anderlecht

The Urban Architecture graduation studio focuses on the topic of spolia, a term from archaeology that defines the leftovers of a building that find themselves back in a new structure. Spolia is about reuse, finding value in what is there, and how it can acquire new meanings by be ...

Post-pandemic office real estate

A pilot study of using scenario planning to develop scenarios with quantitative office space demand for corporate real estate

The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic is profound and enduring to the entire world. A ‘recovery’ to go back in time is unlikely to happen due to the lack of uncertainty in the future. The darkest time will eventually pass, whereas post-pandemic, the era in which the pandemic is ...

Co-location within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Co-location as a tool within the CRE strategy and as part of the CRE portfolio that adds more value to the organization

Problem definition: There is a gap in the literature on co-location: no literature is found on the use of co-location between third parties and governmental organizations (external co-location). Co-location is already being implemented within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) ...

Stimulating collaborative housing for and by seniors

An empirical study into the housing demands of young seniors, and the constraints they encounter while realising collaborative housing projects.

The Netherlands is rapidly ageing, while at the same time, seniors themselves are also changing in comparison to previous generations, leading to changing housing demands. Collaborative housing addresses several of these new demands effectively. Nonetheless, collaborative housing ...

Sturingsmogelijkheden op de Nederlandse woningmarkt gericht op empty-nesters

Een toetsingsmodel dat de impact van sturingsmaatregelen op de doorstroming van de woningmarkt test

Op de huidige Nederlandse woningmarkt heerst een krapte, waardoor de doorstroming van de woningmarkt is vastgelopen. Er is sprake van een kwantitatieve en een kwalitatieve mismatch op de woningmarkt; zowel in aantallen als in type woningen sluiten vraag en aanbod niet op elkaar a ...
Purpose – One of the long-standing issues in the field of real estate management is the alignment of demand and supply. When building retrofit is initiated to comply with changing demands, the decision-maker has to deal with several, often competing, criteria. Smart systems have ...

Project owners in creating and deciding on project concepts in practice

Case study research about creating and deciding on project concepts in the front-end phase of projects to accommodate organisations

In a time where themes such as sustainability highly influence the built environment, it becomes ever more important that construction projects achieve strategic success. For securing a project’s long-term strategic success, the importance of the front-end phase is increasingly r ...

Expanding Opportunities for Philippine Architects Through CREM

A qualitative comparative multi-case study approach on adapting business models that integrate corporate real estate management services used by Dutch architects in the Philippine context

Architects contribute to the cultural, social, economic, environmental, and technological aspects of society. However, architects face several challenges due to high levels of urbanization, lower financials for projects and the emergence of new professionals and contracts, that l ...

Towards digital twins for space use in hospital real estate

The Erasmus Medical Center as a case study for the identification of the specifications of a digital twin for space use, aiming to support decision makers and users of hospital real estate

Information systems are increasingly deployed by healthcare organizations to support decision makers and users of hospitals. As a result, digital twins have recently emerged as an information system with promising application prospects. However, the limited deployment of them lea ...

Stress in the Work Environment

Improving employee health and performance by measuring stress in the work environment

Problem statement: Stress in the work environment is a growing problem, pushed forward by changing societal standards associated with meritocracy and the omnipresence of technology and communication devices. Individuals and organizations are simultaneously becoming more aware and ...

Employee Happiness in an Activity-based Work Environment

An Explorative Study of Different Interventions to Understand the Interrelation between Acoustic Privacy and Personalisation and the Employees’ Level of Happiness

Purpose In order to strengthen the original goal of Activity-based working (ABW) - supporting the employees in fulfilling their tasks at their best - the employees need to be able to align their physical work environment to their dynamic needs. The report posed the question if e ...

An office that feels like home

The influence of the home work environment on perceived productivity

Homeworking can have benefits both for employees and employers, such as a productivity increase and a better work-life balance. Still, homeworking arrangements were less implemented than expected throughout the years. Now, due to Covid-19, every office worker is highly recommende ...

Futureproof Monumental Theatres

A real estate strategy tool, resulting in an advice for monumental theatres, such as the Royal Theatre Carré

Monumental theatre buildings such as the royal theatre Carré, facilitate different forms of performance arts and are obliged to maintain the monumental values of the building. Monumental theatres face many challenges. such as growing multifunctionality demands, physical limitati ...

Stimulating Sustainable Corporate Real Estate

Developing a Sustainability Reference Model for the Preference-based Accommodation Strategy

Environmental sustainability has become an urgent matter on the Dutch political agenda, which will affect the built environment in the near future. Consequently, organizations have to adapt their real estate to new regulations for building performance and their own sustainability ...

It’s never too late for a new beginning

A living environment for the Young-Old

The Netherlands is facing a problem with their current housing stock. Predictions warn about the need for approximately one million houses for 2035. Alongside the shortage a lot of the people do not live in a dwelling which is their preference. A design for a housing complex for ...