B. Valks
14 records found
Na de verwoestende brand van het geliefde maar verouderde Bouwkundegebouw aan de Berlageweg in 2008, was de grootste uitdaging om de veelkleurige community weer een nieuw thuis te bieden. Een gebouw dat paste bij de identiteit van de faculteit, maar ook een gebouw dat groot genoe
Purpose: Across the world, many universities are dealing with a pressure on resources, caused by both organisational developments and ageing campuses. Space utilization studies have a strategic role, providing information on how space is being used, thereby informing decisions ab
Smart campus tools
Technologies to support campus users and campus managers
In recent years, the density on the Dutch university campus has increased substantially due to a continued growth of student populations. Campus managers face the challenge of accommodating the university’s students and employees mainly in the existing buildings, which are used i
Towards smart campus management
Defining information requirements for decision making through dashboard design
At universities worldwide, the notion of a ‘smart campus’ is becoming increasingly appealing as a response to the multitude of challenges that impact campus development and operation. Smart campus tools are widely used to support students and employees, optimise space use and sav
The added value of smart stadiums
A case study at Johan Cruijff Arena
The objective of stadium owners is to attract visitors to their stadiums and by this optimally use their business potential. Stadiums face increasing competition from home-viewing options, with which especially aging stadiums have trouble competing. This paper aims to ...
The objective of stadium owners is to attract visitors to their stadiums and by this optimally use their business potential. Stadiums face increasing competition from home-viewing options, with which especially aging stadiums have trouble competing. This paper aims to ...
At universities worldwide, creating a ‘smart campus’ is gaining significance. This is a response to the increasingly dynamic use of the campus and the pressure on resources: energy, financial and human resources. The university community has become more mobile, student numbers mo
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge about the use of smart campus tools to improve the effective and efficient use of campuses. Many universities are facing a challenge in attuning their accommodation to organisational demand. How can universities invest t
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate knowledge about the use of smart campus tools to improve the effective and efficient use of campuses. Many universities are facing a challenge in attuning their accommodation to organisational demand. How can universities invest t
Smart campus tools voor campusbeheer
Slim sturen op ruimtegebruik
Het onderzoek naar smart tools is gestart naar aanleiding van een probleem dat bekend is bij zowel studenten en docenten als bij campusmanagers: gereserveerde maar (deels) ongebruikte of onderbenutte ruimte. Dit probleem is een grote ergernis, vooral in geval van ruimteschaarste.
Smart campus tools 2.0
An international comparison
“Everything is booked, but many rooms and seats are empty”. This problem was the basis of the ‘Smart campus tools’ research and is familiar to both users and campus managers alike. On today’s university campus - with an increasing amount of students, part-time researchers, guest
Smart campus tools
Adding value to the university campus by measuring space use real-time
Purpose: The objective of corporate real estate management is to optimally attune corporate accommodation to organisational performance. At universities, the dynamic process to match supply and demand is often hindered by difficulties in the allocation and use of space. This is a
Smart campus tools
Een verkenning bij Nederlandse universiteiten en lessen uit andere sectoren
Het ‘Smart tools on campus’ onderzoek is gestart naar aanleiding van een probleem dat bekend is voor zowel gebruikers als campus managers: gereserveerde maar (deels) ongebruikte of onderbenutte ruimte. Gebruikers zijn geregeld op zoek naar een studie, werk- of vergaderplek, maar
Smart tools on campus
A literature study connecting real estate management objectives and positioning technologies
One of the long-standing issues in the field of corporate real estate management is the alignment of an organisation’s real estate to its corporate strategy. Despite extensive research, existing approaches have not had much uptake in practice and fall short in a number of aspects