
20 records found

'Smart' Outpatient Department

Exploring which potential optimisations of the outpatient department could improve patient experience, medical specialist’s workflow and utilisation of space

Today, the deregulated Dutch healthcare system, the changing demographics and the growing shortage of medical specialists is putting pressure on the entire hospital and its employees. Thus, improving the patient experience, medical specialist’s workflow and utilisation of space w ...

Urban mining in design and construction processes

A study on implementing urban mining of existing building elements in the local housing for improving the construction industry towards a circular economy

In most of the current starting construction projects, most stakeholders use virgin materials for building elements. Considering climate change, building materials are getting scarce, it is necessary to reduce the number of virgin building materials and improve circularity in the ...

Supply Chain Management with BIM

Towards better control of construction logistics

Currently the on-site logistics of construction projects are very inefficient. The construction industry is very fragmented and there are a lot of different information and material processes, therefore it is difficult for a main contractor to get control of these all. It is assu ...

Current solutions for the energy transition

A feasibility study for homeowners

There is a clear mismatch between the national ambition to reach a natural gas-free housing stock and the current ability of owner-occupiers to meet this ambition. This research aims to help resolve this mismatch between the national ambition and the opportunities for households ...

Smart Campus Tools 2021

Gaining insights from universities and other organizations to support the back-to-campus movement following COVID-19

On January 30, 2020, the WHO Emergency Committee declared a global health emergency based on increasing reports of Chinese and international cases. The unprecedented impact of COVID-19 has also affected education systems around the world. This means that more than 1.6 billion stu ...

A Process Map for Applying BIM to Design for Deconstruction

Dutch Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai Case Study

Construction industry is the biggest waste producer industry in the world. Circular economy introduces methods to increase the recovery of materials’ value by returning them back to construction cycles; as its cornerstone, deconstruction is introduced to eliminate demolition. Des ...

Not just a corridor

Ecological landscape design for the Panke River in Berlin to improve both the natural ecosystem and environmental justice

In urban areas, river courses have often been modified to a large extent to meet human needs. This modification has led to a decrease in ecological quality and biodiversity at both local and regional scales. Berlin is an example of a city with substantially modified rivers and de ...

Airport pavement management decision making

A prioritization tool to select pavement sections requiring M&R treatments

An increase in air traffic demand, aging pavement infrastructure, and limited funds make pavement management decision making a difficult process. Pavement management systems (PMS) are essential for pavement management. PAVER, the most common airport pavement management system (AP ...

Digital Twin as Circularity Enabler of Façades in Maintenance

A Research into How A Digital Twin Can Facilitate the Circularity Maintenance of Façades

Maintenance plays a vital part in the Circular Economy (CE). Repairing, upgrading and restoring façades extends their lifecycle and reduces waste. The European Union and Dutch government have set goals to reach a circular future: in 2050 the built environment must be 100% circula ...

Implementing Circular Economy in the Built Environment

Comparative Study between China and the Netherlands

Circular economy is gaining global momentum as a new economic system to achieve sustainable development. The built environment plays an important role during the transition to a circular economy. China and the Netherlands share a common basis on enhancing resource efficiency by c ...

Internet of Things (IoT) in Real Estate

Designing guideline for employee-oriented Internet of Things (IoT) implementation in office real estate

The purpose of this research is to extend knowledge on adding value to office employees (end users) due to smart technology implementation. The focus of this research document is given to end users since the problem statement emphasises a need of a strategic change in CREM’s acti ...
This report presents my graduation research toward a BOLD-driven method which uses the triangle relationship between the project developer, transportation and Big Open Linked Data in the process of monitoring and implementing ambitions for residential project developments. The re ...

Blockchain enabled asset management in the case of X-Decks

Cooperation enhanced by decentralization in the building industry

The building industry is characterized by the creation of organizational silos. These silos are causing frictions and inefficiencies on an operational, financial and managerial level. The following research is approaching these silos within the case of X-Decks, a temporary and ci ...

Blockchain-based crowdfinancing mechanisms for renewable energy projects

A business case for consultancy & engineering firms

Recently, there is a growing need to address the investment gap in renewable energy by attracting non-institutional investors that have investment preferences better suited for the energy transition. Crowdfinancing is a promising alternative, as it allows for increased innovation ...

Innovation of Conservation

Towards Energy Efficient Monuments

Monuments are often not energy efficient, yet improving the energy performance without harming the cultural values is still a complex process. By only conserving a building without making adaptations, a mismatch can arise between the demand of the user and the building. Next to t ...

Reaching the promised land of BIM

An explorative study on Dutch building projects

Despite the importance of the transition between the project and operation phase in Dutch building projects, both literature and practice show that the is in most cases this transition is not proceeding properly. Unstructured and incomplete two-dimensional documents are handed ov ...

Towards digital twins for space use in hospital real estate

The Erasmus Medical Center as a case study for the identification of the specifications of a digital twin for space use, aiming to support decision makers and users of hospital real estate

Information systems are increasingly deployed by healthcare organizations to support decision makers and users of hospitals. As a result, digital twins have recently emerged as an information system with promising application prospects. However, the limited deployment of them lea ...

Bold Cities

Building a decision-making supportive tool through exploration of BOLD methods to assess sustainability in landscape architecture projects

Projects of re-use of underused infrastructures to design sustainable urban landscape architecture represent a great contribution to meet the need for sustainability cities are experiencing today. Urban administrators often strive for a successful realization of such projects, to ...

Towards more effective residential retrofit interventions

Exploring an alternative monitoring approach to drive the effectiveness of residential energy efficiency retrofit interventions

Humanity is facing large scale environmental challenges emerging from the anthropogenic climate change. Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) are widely considered to be the main driver of the changing climate. With the built environment currently being accountable for about 40% for our ...

The data driven workplace

Exploring the application of sensor data for facility managers in an Activity Based Working environment (ABW)

Motivation. As technological developments in the workplace accelerate, workplaces are connecting to a variety of sensors, actuators, and dedicated networks in the Internet of Things (IoT). Sensor data can be collected on aspects of workplace performance and occupants’ behaviors. ...