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A.C. den Heijer

160 records found

Leren en werken op de campus van de toekomst

Universiteiten bundelen hun krachten

Dilemma’s rond hybride werken en on- en off-campus studeren zijn slechts twee van de grote uitdagingen waarvoor universiteiten staan. Andere collectieve opgaven zijn de grote aantallen instromende studenten (maar mogelijk ook krimp), de krappe (studenten)- woningmarkt, verduurzam ...

Campus NL

Hybrid working in the university environment in the Netherlands

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, an increasing number of individuals are expected to engage in remote work. Consequently, the hybrid working paradigm, characterized by a combination of office-based and remote work, is gaining prominence. Despite the governments awareness of this ...

Circular Commons

Exploring Innate Spatial Tactics as Pathways toward a Circular Built Environment

The built environment significantly contributes to current socioenvironmental crises, necessitating systemic change. Circularity and the commons are re-emerging as potential pathways for such transition. A circular built environment (CBE) aims to close resource loops, but its imp ...
Corporate real estate management (CREM) is complex due to an increasing number of real estate (RE) added values and the tensions between them. RE managers are faced with trade-offs: to choose a higher performance for one added value at the cost of another. CREM resear ...

Continuous briefing for the future university campus

An evidence-based approach to match spatial supply and demand

To plan the future university campus, campus executives need decision-making support from theory and practice. Matching the static campus (supply) with the dynamic (demand) - while safeguarding spatial quality and sustainability - requires management information from ...
Introduction: The challenge of the energy transition in the built environment has, in recent years, been exacerbated by rising awareness of the material resource limitations we face on the path towards sustainable development. In this context the concepts of Circular Economy (CE) ...
Internationally, the ambition to achieve a sustainable built environment is becoming urgent. On the university campus, this vision, combined with unparalleled access to innovative technologies for sustainable development enables/urges universities to implement more innovative sol ...

Practice what you preach

Adoption of internal campus innovations at Dutch research-intensive universities

Campus decision makers are increasingly expected to adopt ‘campus innovations’ (affecting real estate and different facilities), not only from the market and demand-led (external campus innovations), but also developed by the university's own scientists (internal campus innovatio ...
Campus as inter-disciplinary technological playground for sustainable technology experiments and implementation is a dream TU Delft strives for. However, innovation implementation on the university campus is nonetheless considered a risk due to the embedded uncertainty of any inn ...

Towards smart campus management

Defining information requirements for decision making through dashboard design

At universities worldwide, the notion of a ‘smart campus’ is becoming increasingly appealing as a response to the multitude of challenges that impact campus development and operation. Smart campus tools are widely used to support students and employees, optimise space use and sav ...
Purpose: Across the world, many universities are dealing with a pressure on resources, caused by both organisational developments and ageing campuses. Space utilization studies have a strategic role, providing information on how space is being used, thereby informing decisions ab ...

Campus of the future

Managing a matter of solid, liquid and gas

At the beginning of the 21st century many thought that bricks would be replaced by clicks on campus. However, the universities’ campus managers had a different story to tell. Indeed, there were more clicks to facilitate, but not to replace the bricks. The virtual campus would eme ...

The added value of smart stadiums

A case study at Johan Cruijff Arena

The objective of stadium owners is to attract visitors to their stadiums and by this optimally use their business potential. Stadiums face increasing competition from home-viewing options, with which especially aging stadiums have trouble competing. This paper aims to ...
Na de brand die het Bouwkundegebouw van de TU Delft in 2008 volledig verwoestte, kreeg een projectteam van specialisten, ontwerpers en managers de taak om meer dan 3000 studenten en meer dan 800 personeelsleden opnieuw te huisvesten. Binnen tien dagen werd besloten een nieuwe - t ...

Implementing innovation on the Dutch University Campus

A view from campus real estate management units

Universities find themselves in a unique position where sustainability visions are increasingly clear and innovations to promote sustainability are ever more abundant. On some campuses campus real estate management units (CREM units) receive infrequent requests from academics for ...
Na de verwoestende brand van het geliefde maar verouderde Bouwkundegebouw aan de Berlageweg in 2008, was de grootste uitdaging om de veelkleurige community weer een nieuw thuis te bieden. Een gebouw dat paste bij de identiteit van de faculteit, maar ook een gebouw dat groot genoe ...

Facade Leasing Demonstrator Project

4.2.6.FLD D3. Business Delivery Report

Incentivising investment and long-term collaboration in high-performance facadeprojects. This technical report is an annex to the Facade Leasing Demonstrator Project 2019 performance report(2.7.3.FLD.D1). For general information on the Facade Leasing research project, its process ...