
20 records found

Subversive machines

Designing architectural freedom through open systems

This project forms an exploration of the way in which architecture, as a discipline, might come to a distinctly architectural application of computational design techinques. In particular, it questions the external nature of these techniques to the field, and how the discipline m ...

Space Modders: Learning from the Game Commune & the Binck Twins Case Study

Learning emancipatory practices of space modification through videogames and their introduction to the built environment

The research attempts to investigate the workings and potentialities of videogames as a medium for participatory design and practices of commoning in architecture. The analysis begins with exploring videogames as non-normative experiences and the effects of those experiences on t ...

Città Fabbrica

From the city of production to the productive city

With the first Five Year Plan of 1928 Stalin initiated a period of massive industrialisation of remote zones of Russia. This lead to the creation of several Monotowns, newly built industrial settlements based on one economical source or industry. The project takes as a study cas ...

The Gardens of Deviation

Intensified cores of affective relationships in Rotterdam

The mechanisms of satisfying desires have made modern urban complexes extremely fixed and programmed leaving no room for the ‘other’ to happen,the divergent from normative and expected behaviors to emerge. The green spaces, although a great chance to dilute this rigidness, follow ...

Hide and Peek at the Station

Rethinking informativity to serve life-value in Helsinki Central Station

As labor increasingly takes place solely in the confines of a laptop screen, the office as a building type seems almost redundant. At the same time the profitability of data collected of consumption puts conventional understandings of value production under question. How does inf ...

Communal Center

A Project on the Redefinition of Urban Rituals

The project, while focusing solely on the example of the Nadodrze district in Wroclaw, is trying to call attention to a much bigger problem present in a plethora of other cities. The deprivation caused by long years of imposition of a new order, a new architectural identity and a ...

Architecture as a worldview

A refuge for the minds

The essay and the design project are an attempt to re-explore the fundamental purpose of architecture as mediating interactions between the human self and the external world. From the intuitive perception of an environment to the establishment of an artificial system of proportio ...

Bordering Chaos

Reinforcing productive relationships in eroding territories

War renders the characteristic of a territory and over-shadows the affects and desires that have been always a part of it. The Bosnian genocide in the early 90’s not only impacted the political and urban structure but also was a severe blow to the social structure. Mostar and Mos ...

In between territories

The re-assembling of the Spoorzone in Delft by introducing a living room for the city

The Spoorzone in Delft is an area that was once occupied by the railway. The historic city grew organically, and later expanded around this transportation hub. Nowadays, the railway is situated in a tunnel underground. Leaving behind a substantial vacant plot in the middle of the ...

Implementing Circular Economy in the Built Environment

Comparative Study between China and the Netherlands

Circular economy is gaining global momentum as a new economic system to achieve sustainable development. The built environment plays an important role during the transition to a circular economy. China and the Netherlands share a common basis on enhancing resource efficiency by c ...

The Rhythmic Escape

Environmental Features in Landscape Ecology

The Rhythmic escape propose a retreat in Rotterdam based on environmental features in nature that is of significance in rituals held in nature by people living with nature.

The Corporeal, The Clinical, The Collective

A Schizoanalysis of Dissociation

A personal problem of dissociation has become the catalyst for a schizoanalysis on the levels of the corporeal, the clinical, and the collective, that uses a philosophical understanding of the unconscious to materialise a design for an urban psychiatric clinic for dissociative di ...

Fluctuating Grounds

Adaptation through Ambiguity in Architecture

In times when robustness and optimisation have become some of the guiding principles of design, it is clear that instant problem-solving solutions prove to be insufficient as long-term resilience strategies. In this context, ambiguity is seen as an alternative approach to answeri ...

Around the Window

Re-Imagining Sex Work Spaces in the Wallen Area

The relationship between sex work and the city centre of Amsterdam ‘the Wallen’ area, also known as the ‘Red Light District’, already dates back towards 1350 (Majoor 2020, 46). While sex work in most cities happens on the periphery, in Amsterdam it traditionally exist in the hear ...

Certified Future

A Strategy For Sustainable & Resilient Agriculture In Tuscany

The current Tuscan agri-food system is unsustainable. The so-called conventional farming practices are still the most commonly used on both global and local scale. These practices include activities such as intensive farming and the use of chemical phytosanitary products that cau ...

Intensely Infrastructural

Shelter for Nomadic Subjects

'Intensely Infrastructural' seeks to question the self-reinforcing 'pan-humanist' logic behind a contemporary spatiotemporal condition I decide to name the Seamless Paradigm – an urban, capitalist economy founded on the ethos of smooth, transnational circulation of bodies, goods ...

Speculative loopholing

Opening limitations in Ijburg block 44a's architectural power processes

The problem adressed in this text is the fixation of capacities to interact by laws, which limits the realization of valuable transformative potential in the built environment. The purpose of this text is twofold: First to uncover the processes behind such fixation-through-laws f ...


Architecture on the Move

Exhaustion is the surfeit of modern society’s excess. Growth is an essential aspect of modern economies and our everyday life. We embark on journeys searching for the infinite, only to find ourselves in the middle of nowhere to realize that the infinite that we have been searchin ...

Of Stones and Travelers: The Venetian matter

A productive machine in its own consuming

Venezia, la Serenissima. The most serene Republic. One adjective is sufficient to identify the city of Venice; more complicated is to figure out its singularities: the city of canals, trades, cultural exchange, gate between the west and the east, the city of the myth, the romanti ...
Saint Petersburg is a second-largest city in Russia, having a population over 6 million people. Located in the northern part of the country on the edge of the Baltic Sea it was founded by tsar Peter the Great in 1703 as a future capital for Russian Empire. Tsar was wishing the ne ...