S. Nijhuis
196 records found
Collective Memory, Urban Regeneration and Conservation of Historical Sites
ChaharBagh Street, Isfahan City, Iran
This study aims to present a regeneration process for historical spaces based on the notion of collective memory. We argue for the necessity of simultaneously studying conservation and rehabilitation policies for restoring and continuing the collective memory of historical spaces
In the inevitable high-density urbanization process, existing urban green space (UGS) design approaches are ineffective in creating more green areas and combining multidisciplinary design principles to provide balanced sets of ecosystem services (ESs). This paper proposes a syste
Ontwerpen met natuur en landschap voor toekomstbestendige steden
Concevoir avec la nature et le paysage pour des villes à l'épreuve du temps
Duurzame verstedelijking, klimaatadaptatie en biodiversiteitsontwikkeling vragen om een ontwerpaanpak die het landschap als uitgangspunt neemt. In een dergelijke aanpak staat het ontwerpen met natuurlijke en sociaalculturele processen centraal. Naast natuur zijn mensen een belang
Sustainable Urban Planning Challenges in the Peri-Urban Landscape
Evaluating LULC Dynamics and the Policy Effectiveness of the Chattogram Metropolitan Region, Bangladesh
Understanding the dynamics of land use and land cover (LULC) change in today’s context of rapid urbanization is critical for sustainable urban planning and environmental conservation. Therefore, the research aim is to understand the LULC changes in the Chattogram Metropolitan Are
Towards a framework for point-cloud-based visual analysis of historic gardens
Jichang Garden as a case study
Historic gardens, regarded as a significant genre of cultural heritage, encapsulate the enduring essence of bygone eras while concurrently transcending temporal boundaries to resonate with the present and future. These gardens provide us vitality and inspiration, holding a collec
Waar ik in Nederland ook ben, vraag ik mij steeds af: wat als we nieuwbouwijken anders hadden gepland en gebouwd? Wat als we dan vanuit het landschap waren begonnen? Het antwoord op deze vragen lijkt steeds duidelijker. Steden zouden niet alleen groener zijn, maar ook gezonder, b
Comparison of Compact and Decentralized Urban Development Pathways for Flood Mitigation in Urbanizing Deltas
Guangzhou in the Pearl River Delta as a Case Study
Floods are common and inevitable natural disasters. Achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 11.5 is a critical challenge for coastal cities, especially those in deltaic lowlands such as in the case of Guangzhou, China. Regarding the spatial planning and design of such urban re
Advancements in smart cities, Internet of Things, and Internet of Nature
A brief overview of applications and best practices in the Netherlands
In recent years, smart cities have gained traction worldwide, particularly in the Netherlands, where urban populations are growing, and technological advancements are shaping urban landscapes. Smart cities utilize innovative technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and
Landscape Logic is an essay on the need for a landscape-based approach to designing sustainable urban environments.
Urbanization is one of the biggest challenges of this century. Urban development comes at the expense of fragile ecosystems that protect and provide us wit ...
Urbanization is one of the biggest challenges of this century. Urban development comes at the expense of fragile ecosystems that protect and provide us wit ...
基于 LiDAR 点云的中国传统园林视觉空间定量分析方法
[Objective] Human perception of landscape and environment is primarily through visual senses, making visual landscape research a central theme in landscape architecture research. Conducting a visual analysis of the spatial characteristics of traditional Chinese gardens and explor
Conservation and development of the historic garden in a landscape context
A systematic literature review
Although there have been numerous studies on the heritage attributes, characteristics, and values of the historic garden as a special category of cultural heritage, the question is why a comprehensive review combining mainstream historic garden conservation with ways of understan
De bedrijventerreinen in Nederland zijn een belangrijke drijfveer achter onze welvaart en ze vormen de werkomgeving van velen. Momenteel staan deze terreinen vol met ‘grote dozen’ en is er een gebrek aan groen. Hierdoor wordt het er warm, is er sprake van wateroverlast en is de o
Urban agriculture as a landscape approach for sustainable urban planning
An example of Songzhuang, Beijing
Cities serve as both political and economic hubs. Sustainable development has long been acknowledged as crucial to the well-being of the environment, people, and society. In order to improve the current state of spatial affairs and attain long-term resilience, humanity is looking
Unveiling water legacy
An interdisciplinary exploration for comprehending Siraf’s historical water landscape
In the heart of southern Iran’s arid expanse lies Siraf, a testament to the enduring bond between water and civilisation. This port city flourished in the 9th and 10th centuries, sustained by ingenious water management. Exploring Siraf’s water heritage reveals a cultural landscap
Design knowledge of urban agriculture providing ecosystem services
A systematic literature review
Urban agriculture is acknowledged as a multifunctional integrated concept capable of delivering various ecosystem services. Design-related empirical research which is regarded as crucial for introducing and exploring the transformation of design knowledge and practice. Despite th
Visitors’ perceptions of urban wilderness
A case study of Jiangyangfan Ecological Park in Hangzhou, China
Numerous studies show the benefits of wilderness to humans and the environment. Therefore, preserving and developing wilderness areas within urban settings are crucial to combat and mitigate challenges like biodiversity decline resulting from urbanization. According to previous s
Riverscapes are a complex and multi-scale socio-ecological and hydrogeomorphic system, which is the result from the interaction between human and nature. The "River Style Framework", based on the principles of hydrogeomorphology, provides a mature learning tool to understand the
Healthy urban blue space design
Exploring the associations of blue space quality with recreational running and cycling using crowdsourced data
Urban blue space offers substantial health benefits by encouraging population physical activity. Despite much evidence on the nature-health nexus, the relationship between blue space and recreational exercises remains under-studied, limiting the realisation of health benefits in
[Objective] Water could be regarded as a vital element for human existence, which has shaped cities for centuries. Blue spaces, centred around water bodies, play a pivotal role in urban development by delivering various ecosystem services and influencing the design and planning o
Existing studies indicate that a direct view of aquatic elements benefits well-being, and houses with blue views are often associated with higher prices. Therefore, developing analysis and design methods for visibility research of blue spaces are crucial to advance spatial design