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N.M.J.D. Tillie

72 records found

Ontwerpen met natuur en landschap voor toekomstbestendige steden

Concevoir avec la nature et le paysage pour des villes à l'épreuve du temps

Duurzame verstedelijking, klimaatadaptatie en biodiversiteitsontwikkeling vragen om een ontwerpaanpak die het landschap als uitgangspunt neemt. In een dergelijke aanpak staat het ontwerpen met natuurlijke en sociaalculturele processen centraal. Naast natuur zijn mensen een belang ...
The transition towards nature-based cities has increasingly become a central focus in political–environmental agendas and urban design practices, aiming to enhance climate adaptation, urban biodiversity, spatial equilibrium, and social well-being as part of the ongoing socio-ecol ...
De bedrijventerreinen in Nederland zijn een belangrijke drijfveer achter onze welvaart en ze vormen de werkomgeving van velen. Momenteel staan deze terreinen vol met ‘grote dozen’ en is er een gebrek aan groen. Hierdoor wordt het er warm, is er sprake van wateroverlast en is de o ...
Urban agriculture is acknowledged as a multifunctional integrated concept capable of delivering various ecosystem services. Design-related empirical research which is regarded as crucial for introducing and exploring the transformation of design knowledge and practice. Despite th ...

When the Bear Comes to Town

How the City Could Create Nature

The relationship between humans and nature is in permanent change. Where the city and nature used to be seen as enemies that needed to be kept away from each other, the current paradigm looks at a more symbiotic relationship. In this, man is seen as part of nature, and the city i ...
Cities serve as both political and economic hubs. Sustainable development has long been acknowledged as crucial to the well-being of the environment, people, and society. In order to improve the current state of spatial affairs and attain long-term resilience, humanity is looking ...

Urban Arid Green

A Nature-Based Solutions Proposal for Ecocity Development in Arid Regions. Case Study Tamansourt, Morocco

Drylands, hyper arid to subhumid areas where rainfall is limited, are expected to expand due to climate change. Natural resources, such as water and food, are scarcer in these areas. Population growth and urbanization are putting even more pressure on communities living there, as ...

Missie Kennisregio aan Zee 2070

Ruimtelijke voorwaarden voor duurzame economische ontwikkeling en een leefbare toekomst van de Zuid-Hollandse kustregio

De Kennisregio aan Zee 2070 is een ruimtelijk-economische samenwerking tussen de steden Den Haag, Zoetermeer, Delft en Leiden, de provincie Zuid Holland en kennisinstellingen TU Delft, Universiteit Leiden en de Haagse Hogeschool. De missie: laat de economie bijdragen aan oplossin ...

Symbiotic Peri-Urban Agricultural Interfaces

Applying Biophilic Design Principles to Facilitate Peri-Urban Agricultural Areas into Ecology, Foodscape, and Metropolitan Transition

Challenges and potential are embedded in peri-urban agriculture under metropolitan sprawl, which requires a future-oriented development to address major trends such as the climate crisis, metropolitan sprawl, autonomy in food production and environmental quality issues. Following ...
Circularity for Educators’, and a second platform for interaction and direct exchange that we call ‘Educators for Circularity’, are part and parcel of the Circular Impulse Initiative (CII), a project intending to enhance the integration of circularity in BK education. Whereas th ...

Stadsecologie in een bredere context

Doelen, uitdagingen en de juridische instrumenten

Om de waarde en potenties van stadsecologie beter te begrijpen is het van belang om het in het bredere perspectief van ecologie te plaatsen. Ecologie bestudeert de relatie tussen organismen onderling als ook de relatie met de niet-levende omgeving. Odum en Barrett hebben een inte ...
This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantiv ...
Current urbanization rates concentrate the ever growing demand for food, energy and water (FEW) resources particularly in cities, making them one of the main drivers of greenhouse gas emissions. The FEW nexus integrative approach offers a potential framework for sustainable resou ...

Realizing Emergent Ecologies

Nature-Based Solutions from Design to Implementation

The current state of nature is concerning. The levels of biodiversity are rapidly decreasing; existing policies sketch ambitious objectives, but their effectiveness is relatively low. This is caused by a combination of three main elements: physical elements, planning processes, a ...

In-Between Nature

Reconsidering Design Practices for Territories In-Between from a Social-Ecological Perspective

During past decades, Territories in-Between (TiB) have gained increased attention among researchers in the field of urban planning and design. TiB are often considered to be underused, lack spatial quality and are under mounting pressure of urban densification. However, the rich ...
Amsterdam aims to bring down its carbon footprint by 55% in 2030 and by 95% in 2050. For the built environment, plotted pathways towards carbon neutrality primarily revolve around the reduction of fossil based energy demand and the transition towards renewable energy production s ...

Designing the Adaptive Landscape

Leapfrogging Stacked Vulnerabilities

In the Anthropocene, climate impacts are expected to fundamentally change the way we live in, and plan and design for, our cities and landscapes. Long-term change and uncertainty require a long view, while current planning approaches and policy making are mostly short-term orient ...

Nature-Based Urbanization

Scan Opportunities, Determine Directions and Create Inspiring Ecologies

To base urbanization on nature, inspiring ecologies are necessary. The concept of nature-based solutions (NBS) could be helpful in achieving this goal. State of the art urban planning starts from the aim to realize a (part of) a city, not to improve natural quality or increase bi ...
In this article a planning approach is proposed to accommodate different paces of urbanisation. Instead of responding to a single problem with a Pavlov-type of response, analysis shows that the transformational tempi of different urban landscapes require multiple deployment strat ...