E.A.J. Luiten


5 records found

Heritage as sector, factor and vector

Conceptualizing the shifting relationship between heritage management and spatial planning

Heritage is a highly malleable concept that is constantly in flux and whose substance and meaning are continuously being redefined by society. From such a dynamic perspective, it is inevitable that new approaches and practices have developed for dealing with heritage in the conte ...
This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantiv ...
This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantiv ...
This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantiv ...
This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantiv ...


15 records found

From isolation to integration

Transforming three estates into an urban landscape

There are more than 2000 estates reserved in Netherlands, of which 18% are in Gelderland. However, with time going by, the surrounding environment of the estates has changed and new challenges which the estates are faced with has happened, including climate change threat, spatial ...

Softening the harder ground

Researching the potential of new street profiles to include a 50% green surface.

The Netherlands is facing urbanisation and densification, and the domination of car use in our mobility system. Both challenges result in built structures and hard surfaces claiming the public space and leaving less space for green and other functions, resulting in the imbalance ...

Resilient Urban Landscapes

Landscape as an Evolutionary Socio Ecological System

Urban flooding is a problem faced by many mayor cities around the world nowadays. That is the case of several areas of the Greater Miami Area. Rapid urbanization and the depletion of natural buffer zones that used to storage rain water, added to climate change effects, specifical ...

Patching Up The Lowlands

Towards sustainable metropolitan development and enhanced spatial qualities in the peri-urban interface of the Deltametropolis through biophilic and technophilic developments

The Netherlands is a place where the interplay between mankind and Nature1 resonates deeply within the roots of its omnipresent cultural landscape. Proactively shaping this landscape, which is widely considered as the most eminent aspect of place identity of the Lowlands, stands ...

Bridging the Past and the Future

A New Palimpsest Layer for the Heritage Landscape of Hof te Dieren

Heritage landscape as a dynamic system that bridges the past and the future, on the one hand tells the history of an area and contributes to the identity of local people, and on the other hand need to meet the contemporary demand and deal with future challenges. In that case, apa ...

An office that feels like home

The influence of the home work environment on perceived productivity

Homeworking can have benefits both for employees and employers, such as a productivity increase and a better work-life balance. Still, homeworking arrangements were less implemented than expected throughout the years. Now, due to Covid-19, every office worker is highly recommende ...

Public space as a cohesive force

The landscape intervention in post-conflict city, Mostar

Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered a lot from the civil war, and among all the cities, Mostar is the longest and most tragic place. It is also a divided city today in both physical and mental aspects. Along with the reduction of public space and the decline in quality, people lost t ...

Gardens of Gelderland

Design Research Explorations into Resilient Estate Landscapes

Report of the MSc Landscape Architecture 2019 - 2020, Graduation Lab Resilient Heritage Landscapes. In this graduation lab landscape architecture students from TU Delft explored the landscape assets of private and dispersed heritage properties and developed design strategies to e ...


A landscape approach to the natural adaptation of urbanized sandy shores

Sandy shores around the world suffer from coastal erosion due to land subsidence, a lack of sediment input and sea level rise. This often leads to the construction of hard structures, such as sea walls and breakwaters, that consolidate the coastal zone but disrupt the dynamic sys ...


Analyse van de Hollandse buitenplaatsen in hun landschappen (1630-1730)

In de zeventiende eeuw liet de stedelijke elite op grote schaal buitenplaatsen en landgoederen in het Hollandse laagland aanleggen. Zij verkoos de meest welgelegen plaatsen voor hun zomerverblijf met speelhuizen, bomenlanen en geschoren hagen. De voorkeur om in elkaars nabijheid ...

Het handschrift van L.P. Roodbaard

Ontwerpprincipes van Noord-Nederlandse landschapsparken in de eerste helft van de 19e eeuw

Het oeuvre van de tuin- en landschapsarchitect Lucas Pieters Roodbaard (1782-1851) is toonaangevend voor de Noord-Nederlandse landschapsparken uit de eerste helft van de 19de eeuw. Zijn oeuvre is te verdelen in drie categorieën: openbare wandelparken, landschapsparken bij buitenp ...

After Gas

Exploring a Design Framework for the future of new perspective in Groningen after the closure of gas field

This research focuses on the transformation of the Groningen gas field region, which has transitioned from a symbol of national pride due to its vast natural gas reserves to a region grappling with the significant impacts of gas extraction. With the permanent closure of gas produ ...

A Train Trip through the Past, the Present and the Future

Revealing and Revitalizing the Chinese Eastern Railway Heritage

The Chinese Eastern Railway Heritage stands as the largest modern heritage group in Northeast China, a special geostrategic heritage between Russia and China. Since the inception of modern heritage protection in China, this railway heritage has garnered significant attention due ...

The stream revived

Development of the river Aa catchment area to contribute to Mid-Brabant as a National Landscape Park

The Aa is a channelized stream system with an out-of-balance hydrological system. Being too dry in the summer and having no room for water during the winter. There is also no room for natural processes and the biodiversity is low. This together with the intensively large-scale ag ...

The stream revived

Development of the river Aa catchment area to contribute to Mid-Brabant as a National Landscape Park

The Aa is a channelized stream system with an out-of-balance hydrological system. Being too dry in the summer and having no room for water during the winter. There is also no room for natural processes and the biodiversity is low. This together with the intensively large-scale ag ...