
8 records found

Developing Xiong’an New Area

A new regime for space production in China’s national technopole?

Xiong’an New Area is not only a newly emerging and nationally endorsed technopole, it is also regarded as a test-bed for novel forms of governance and financial management in China. Although it is currently only in its starting phase, Xiong’an demonstrates that various institutio ...

Soft planning in macro-regions and megaregions

Creating toothless spatial imaginaries or new forces for change?

Both planning practice and research increasingly acknowledge the existence of new scales and governance arrangements alongside and between statutory planning systems. Examples of new scales of non-statutory planning are large-scale megaregions and macro-regions. Drawing on exampl ...

Spatial planning in the face of flood risk

Between inertia and transition

Given the greater risk of flooding in cities due to climate change, spatial planning systems are increasingly expected to contribute to flood resilience. However, incorporating expanded adaption measures in conventional planning practices remains a major challenge due to institut ...
Although the cities in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) in China are amongst the world’s cities most exposed to flooding due to climate change, surprisingly little is done to address this problem. This article explores the barriers to the emergence of policies adapting to the growing ...
Whether spatial planning systems are equipped to cope with contemporary regional and urban challenges is strongly dependent on their capacity to promote integration between policy sectors, to respond adaptively to changing societal and political conditions, and to involve and eng ...
Integration of flood risk in spatial planning is increasingly seen as a way to enhance cities’ resilience to the growing flood hazards, albeit its operationalisation remains challenging. This study aims to explain the reasons for this difficulty through the case study of Guangzho ...

Parking futures

Preparing European cities for the advent of automated vehicles

The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs)is a virtual certainty. Much less certain is the timing of their introduction and how rapid the transition to full automation will be. Various governments are already working to facilitate this shift by, for example, amending and elabor ...
Since the 1970s, a variety of studies has searched for the sociodemographic, housing and economic determinants of energy poverty. A central question, however, has not been answered by any of the previous studies: what are the national-level determinants, i.e. the determinants tha ...


12 records found

Revitalizing De Doelen in Rotterdam

Promenade Architecturale as public connecting element

Classical music oftenly is associated as boring, muddy; as an activity for the older people. Eventually this older generation will be gone for good, leaving even less pubic than it now has. As this problem grows the relationship between classical music and the public shifts. The ...

The future of urban block

Spatial property, capacity and quality of life

As a foreseeable trend, the automated mobility is believed to change our city in many aspects. It draws out a question to urbanists: is the application of the new technological innovation an urgency in our agenda, or the utilization of it for other urban issues should be. This pr ...

Inter-relational territories

A new interplay between pre- and inner-alpine areas for future water use

The Alps, also called the ‘water tower’ of Europe, are one of the biggest freshwater reserves of the continent, extending over seven countries. However, due to climate change, resulting in melting glaciers and more frequent dry periods, the availability of fresh water is seasonal ...

Adaptive Geographies

Towards a Flood Resilient Mumbai Metropolitan Region

Mumbai is the commercial capital of the country. The economy and morphology of the city has been shaped by the physical infrastructure but has neglected the ecological and social aspects in planning. This has led to the extreme vulnerability of the region to ecological and social ...

[RE]shaping urban environments in Chennai city

Urban transformation through an integrated densification process to facilitate liveable environments

Chennai, a historical seaside city on the southern coast of India, has undergone extensive urbanisation ever since the postcolonial economic reform of the nineties. Mismanaged urban growth that predominantly prioritises economic development has led to a situation of congestion, l ...

Suburban Metabolism

Growth and Sustainability in the Greater Toronto Area

The issue of suburban sprawl in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area (GTA) has been increasing the pressures of land consumption, infrastructure development, resource consumption, and population growth over the past 50 years. The same can be said for many peripheral regions of C ...

Socio-ecological Cohesion

Bioregional Strategy ‘Beyond Growth’ for the Szczecin Functional Area, Poland

Climate changes, sixths mass extinction, use of naturalenvironment and extreme landscape transformation have beenbringing question of long, sustainable future. Broadly accepted‘growth paradigm’ has been reaching ecological limits on theplanetary level (Steffen et al., 2015). On t ...

Autonomous Shared Mobility & the Cities of Tomorrow

Impact of shared self-driving vehicles on the urban form of the city of Amsterdam

“Anyone who only thinks of technology, has not yet recognized that autonomous driving will change our society.” says Dr. Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of Daimler AG, and indicates to what the future of mobility will look like. Autonomous and shared mobility is the most talked about to ...

Intertwined Natures

Towards Territorial Cohesion & Flood Risk Adaptation in Lambayeque, Peru

Historically, the regional landscape of Lambayeque has mainly been natural, agricultural, rural and lastly, urban. However, economic development, demographic growth and urban expansion have overpowered the more natural domain creating non–dynamic flows within the system, compress ...

London 2041

Challenging a region's mono-centric development paradigm

This thesis proposes the development of a new centrality outside of Central London in order to combat the increasingly evident problems generated by London’s mono-centric model of development. In doing so, special attention is paid to understanding the region of Greater London as ...

Engaging Socio-Spatial Fragmentation Through Public Domain

Gated Communities in the Greater Metropolitan Area, San Jose, Costa Rica

Gated communities exist in most urbanized contexts around the world and San José, Costa Rica is not the exception. Following the discourse of insecurity and the claim of building community with-in the confinement of the gates, new developments are constructed with a peripheral wa ...

Delhi; Great city...Terrible Place...

Liberating the potential of autonomous technology, to create a liveable public realm and an equitable mobility system in Delhi

The motivation for this project, comes through personal experience of being raised in the city of Delhi. The city which ones was known for its plush gardens, old markets and famous public squares. The economic liberation of 1992 and unprecedented growth made Delhi victim of its o ...