Socio-ecological Cohesion

Bioregional Strategy ‘Beyond Growth’ for the Szczecin Functional Area, Poland

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Climate changes, sixths mass extinction, use of naturalenvironment and extreme landscape transformation have beenbringing question of long, sustainable future. Broadly accepted‘growth paradigm’ has been reaching ecological limits on theplanetary level (Steffen et al., 2015). On the local level Szczecincity, with its rural region, localized in West Pomerania Voivodeship(Poland), has been already facing the ecological challenges.More than that, through ‘growth paradigm’ also the internalpermineralization and social exclusion. Broadly accepted strategy,based on neoliberal model of economy, focusing on developingregion on its economical level, what has no direct translation intoquality of living of its citizens. Dependence, lack of resilience andso called developing ‘undevelopment’ (Sowa, 2011) addressingneed of search for strategies ‘beyond growth’ (Ciesiółka, Motek,Kołsut, Stryjakiewicz, & Kudłak, 2017). Focusing on landscapeadaptation and strengthening the regional community, thebioregionalism as a framework, has been opening alternativevision for spatial planning, as field responsible for developmentconcepts. Following project, has been focusing on the explorationof the bioregional approach and its possibilities as the spatialplanning framework. Using the ‘research by design’ methodology,the spatial strategy for Szczecin functional area give a possibilityto answer cross-scale problematic (Carr, 2004): ecological (climateadaptation with biodiversity lost) and social (low social capital,exclusion and lack of social services).