
20 records found

Project MIMPI

A Homelike Orphanage

Humanitarian architecture is a field which is very open to different interpretations and for free uncontrolled experimentation. For architects willing to contribute to this field there is no defined framework that can support them in designing a suitable project. The core of this ...

Lelycentre Cultural Centre

Transforming a 70's building into a cultural centre whilst preserving young heritage

Lelystad's first commercial area, Lelycentre, was originally intended to be the starting point of the planned city centre in the first phase in 1964, emphasising the connection to the fourth planned polder of the Zuiderzeewerken. Markermeerpolder's rejection in the 80's meant tha ...

Realising Healthy Urban Areas

A Study of current Challenges in the Netherlands and Recommendations to overcome them

Preventive measures for a healthy population are becoming a trending topic in the Netherlands because of rising costs of care and an increasing population of elderly. Due to this, prevention methods in the built environment can help with minimising this problem. Urban area develo ...

Key factors in team collaboration

A qualitative study to determine the team effectiveness of an inter-organisational, international project based integrated design team

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to investigate team effectiveness in the field of construction. With this study, influential factors on team collaboration between different companies and within teams will be defined. By defining these factors, project managers of comparable projec ...

Increasing Team Collaboration by Implementing Shared Leadership

A case study of the soft side of project management

Aim: This research focuses on aims to explore the concept of shared leadership in integrated design teams in the construction branch. The exploration is conducted by addressing the question of whether leadership styles and tasks are solely performed by the project manager of a de ...

Re-colonize Lelycentre

Rejuvenation of Lelystad pioneer neighborhood center by symbiotic addition of dwelling function

Project tackles the issue of low density and underpopulation in Lelystad by an attempt to retroactively densify the city historical core. The architectural intervention consists of revitalization vertical addition of dwelling function on one of the Lelystad very first buildings - ...


Living in the marginalised city

Lelycentre – an area that was initially planned as a living, working and shopping district, which also would form the city centre of Lelystad – was meant for the first inhabitants who came to Lelystad in September 1967. Using clear zoning plans as a base, much was promised to th ...

The healthy home

A pilot study on the effect of biobased insulation materials on human wellbeing

The Dutch government is aiming to transition towards a fully circular economy by 2050 to mitigate climate change. To comply with these standards, a transition team for the construction sector has identified biobased materials as a cornerstone for the sector to become circular, en ...

Toekomstbestendige ouderen maken een toekomstbestendige stad

Een nieuwe generatie woningen voor een nieuwe generatie ouderen

Elderly in the Netherlands today are not all assured of a suitable home for the rest of their lives. Because sooner or later the safe place that you call home isn’t that safe anymore and does not meet the requirements that come with living on an old age. The main causes of this a ...

Het Verticale Hof

De omgeving zorgt voor ouderen

The population of the Netherlands is ageing. The number of people above 65 is expected to grow from 3.1 million in 2017 to 4.8 million in 2040. The increasing ageing population results in more elderly in need of care and a lower percentage of young people able to provide formal c ...

Beyond Road

Rethink the potential of ecosystem services of the arterial network in Rotterdam

Modern urban road systems often bring environmental problems and affect the quality of life of residents. The main roads in the south of Rotterdam face problems with lack of greenery, heat island effect and flash flooding. These problems have had a negative impact on the well-bei ...

The Emergence of Shared Leadership in Project-based Integrated Design Teams

A case study on the way interpersonal skills can influence team functioning

Aim: The aim of this research was to explore the soft side of project management, specifically the way process managers apply interpersonal skills to influence team functioning in project-based integrated design teams which apply shared leadership. This will provide insight withi ...

Towards a resilient hospital design

Emerging design considerations for future healthcare facilities after the pandemic COVID-19

COVID-19 has highlighted the importance of the healthcare systems in society. The pandemic overwhelmed hospitals and forced rapid and radical changes in healthcare organizations' working practices and management structures (MASS Design Group, 2020; Ramboll, 2021; Capolongo et al. ...

Future proof neighborhood shopping centres in an aging population

A quantitative case study research on shopping preferences of elderly people in a Dutch aging neighborhood.

It is the year 2019 and the Dutch economy is flourishing. However, the retail sector is still in a ‘re- inventing phase’. The popularity of e-commerce is increasing and Dutch shopping districts are continuously changing. This affects the profitability of both retailers and retail ...

De beleidsparadox van het langer zelfstandig thuis wonen van ouderen

Onderzoek naar de mogelijkheden van een (sociale) wijkgezondheidshub voor het langer zelfstandig thuis wonen van ouderen

Aan het begin van de 21 eeuw kwam de overheid tot de conclusie dat door onaanvaardbare en ontoelaatbare hoge zorgkosten de overheid genoodzaakt was om in 2006 de nieuwe zorgverzekeringswet in te voeren. Een geprivatiseerd Nederlandse zorgsysteem werd het nieuwe uitgangspunt. De o ...

Impact of interior office design on acoustic and visual privacy of employees in activity-based offices

Discrete choice experiment about the interior office design preferences during collaboration and individual concentration

Discrete choice experiment about the interior office design preferences during collaboration and individual concentration. This study was an evaluation study for an activity-based working office located in Amsterdam.

Cohousing for elderly

A study into the organization of cohousing for elderly

Due to an aging population and the consequently rise in publicly funded cost for long-term care a major change was made in the financing structure of the health care system in The Netherlands. Since this change in 2015 care providers have closed care homes. In Delft the main inst ...

BIM as a communication and collaboration tool for the design and operation phase of hospital buildings

A case study research into validating and verifying the design and BIM model by the project team and client & end-users

According to literature, the benefits of BIM can be well found in complex projects such as healthcare. When well implemented, the use of BIM as a tool for communication and collaboration can lead to a higher design quality and quality of the realized building, as well as increase ...

Zorg zonder Zorgen

Het ontwerpen van een stress reducerende zorgomgeving voor mensen met een chronische ziekte en hun mantelzorgers

This study was aimed at developing a design guide for stress reducing healthcare facilities for people with a chronic disease and their caregivers. This study was conducted with literature research, interviews and analyzing reference projects. The results of the literature rese ...

End-user involvement in hospital building design

A Case Study On Information Management And Design Process: Erasmus MC Rotterdam new building project

Design in healthcare projects is complex because of the high number of stakeholders and the involvement of end-users in the design process. This causes collaboration issues and information asymmetry which are barriers in communication and information exchange. The purpose of this ...