
1 records found

This study investigates how a no-blame culture affects the effectiveness of project-based design teams across different project delivery methods in the construction industry. Ninety-two team members of 34 project-based design teams assessed the no-blame culture, level of teamwork ...


19 records found

The role of the individual’s perception

Insights into the lived experience of partnering in Dutch Urban Development Projects

As Dutch Urban Development (UDM) and Partnering research seem to somewhat disconnectedly explore each other’s fields, this thesis attempts to join both domains by gaining insights into factors that promote the emergence of partnering relations between individuals working in Dutch ...

Key factors in team collaboration

A qualitative study to determine the team effectiveness of an inter-organisational, international project based integrated design team

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to investigate team effectiveness in the field of construction. With this study, influential factors on team collaboration between different companies and within teams will be defined. By defining these factors, project managers of comparable projec ...

Increasing Team Collaboration by Implementing Shared Leadership

A case study of the soft side of project management

Aim: This research focuses on aims to explore the concept of shared leadership in integrated design teams in the construction branch. The exploration is conducted by addressing the question of whether leadership styles and tasks are solely performed by the project manager of a de ...

Strengthening Early Warning Response in the Construction Sector

A Qualitative Study on Mechanisms Influencing the Response to Early Warning Signs in Dutch Construction Projects

Construction projects have become more complex over time, and cost overruns and time delays have become a global phenomenon. Signs that can indicate future project failure, such as cost overruns and time delays, in early project phases are Early Warning (EW) signs. EW signs are d ...

Unveiling the Hybrid Work Paradigm

A Study on the Effect of Hybrid Working on Organisational Commitment of Employees and Work Environment Preferences Among Young Professionals of ORGANISATION X

This study aims to explore the impact of employee separation as a result of hybrid working on the organisational commitment of ORGANISATION X’s workforce. The findings of this research aim to offer valuable insights to ORGANISATION X's understanding on how the alternating remote ...

The Emergence of Shared Leadership in Project-based Integrated Design Teams

A case study on the way interpersonal skills can influence team functioning

Aim: The aim of this research was to explore the soft side of project management, specifically the way process managers apply interpersonal skills to influence team functioning in project-based integrated design teams which apply shared leadership. This will provide insight withi ...

Upwards along the pipes

Utilizing the recyclable potentials of local organic waste to revitalize the Cikapundung river area in Bandung, Indonesia

“Upwards along the pipes” focuses on the Tamansari subdistrict in Bandung, Indonesia, in which the Cikapundung river is a central physical element, dividing the highly dense informal settlements in two. The project tries to tackle several ecological and spatial issues occuring wi ...

Multi-functional Facade Module

For different climate conditions

The building sector is responsible for more than one third of resource consumption globally. Concerning the new construction, new regulations have been set, which impose that by 2020 all new buildings constructed within the EU should reach nearly zero-energy levels. The building ...

Future proof neighborhood shopping centres in an aging population

A quantitative case study research on shopping preferences of elderly people in a Dutch aging neighborhood.

It is the year 2019 and the Dutch economy is flourishing. However, the retail sector is still in a ‘re- inventing phase’. The popularity of e-commerce is increasing and Dutch shopping districts are continuously changing. This affects the profitability of both retailers and retail ...

Cohousing for elderly

A study into the organization of cohousing for elderly

Due to an aging population and the consequently rise in publicly funded cost for long-term care a major change was made in the financing structure of the health care system in The Netherlands. Since this change in 2015 care providers have closed care homes. In Delft the main inst ...

Victory compact city

Fostering urban life in the compact city to optimize high density urban living

This research focuses on the relation between the compact city and urban life. Literature suggests that a holistic approach to further compacting a city means also integrating urban life qualities. This is currently lacking in Western European practice due to pragmatism, decentra ...

BIM as a communication and collaboration tool for the design and operation phase of hospital buildings

A case study research into validating and verifying the design and BIM model by the project team and client & end-users

According to literature, the benefits of BIM can be well found in complex projects such as healthcare. When well implemented, the use of BIM as a tool for communication and collaboration can lead to a higher design quality and quality of the realized building, as well as increase ...

Towards a better understanding of mediation in the construction sector: a grounded theory approach

Explorative and qualitative research on contributing factors to mediation processes in Dutch construction projects

Context Projects in the construction sector are known for their high complexity. Due to this complexity, disputes in construction are close to inevitable. While these disputes can lead to major project delays and financial costs, they demand for a resolution. Juridical resolutio ...

End-user involvement in hospital building design

A Case Study On Information Management And Design Process: Erasmus MC Rotterdam new building project

Design in healthcare projects is complex because of the high number of stakeholders and the involvement of end-users in the design process. This causes collaboration issues and information asymmetry which are barriers in communication and information exchange. The purpose of this ...

Developing healthy and green residential areas

An analysis into the heatlh benefits of greenery and nature

A statistical analysis into the health benefits of nature. Dividing nature into areas with a different landscape and areas with a different biodiversity score. Indicating a different influence on the aspects of heath depending on the landscape. Showing a greater influence in area ...

Duurzaamheidsachterstand in zwakke woonwijken

De vergeten eigenaar-bewoners in de Vogelaarwijken

Onderzoek naar de eigenaar-bewoners in zwakke woonwijken. Op basis van statistische analyse aan de hand van de WoOn Database(2009, 2012, 2015) zijn eigenaar-bewoners in de veertig Vogelaarwijken vergeleken met de eigenaar-bewoners. Zowel de bewoners als de woningen zijn bestudeer ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the construction industry in the Netherlands as projects came to a stop and project teams struggled to collaborate remotely. To cope with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and consequential virtual work environment, it is crucial to have effe ...

Do we still need office buildings?

Four explorative scenarios for Dutch offices in 2050

This study explores the use and demand for offices in the Netherlands in 2050. Employees and employers have not found a balance in hybrid working, resulting in significant hidden vacancy. This refers to office space that is leased but not utilized, leading to ineffective office m ...

Looking for the soft spot in “The Iron Triangle”

Explorative research into the effect of serious gaming on the level of empathy and the experienced client contractor collaboration of professionals in the construction industry

This master thesis addresses the challenge of project performance in the Civil Engineering (CE) sector, emphasizing the significance of collaboration, communication, and understanding among interdisciplinary project teams. Focusing on the role of empathy in contractor-client coll ...