
20 records found

The consolidation of circular project dynamics in an evaluation Tool

To help members of project teams to learn about the integration of project dynamics for circularity in construction projects to stimulate the realization of circular ambitions

A tool that contributes to solving the cultural barrier of the lack of knowlegde about circularity in conventional members of project teams. Using three case studies an evaluation tool is developed. With gathering circular project dynamics, validating them and integrating them in ...

The hybrid FRP and glass bridge

Research for a material adapted and optimized hybrid pedestrian bridge design

This thesis focuses on the collaboration of two innovative materials - Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRP) and structural glass – in the design of a (hybrid) footbridge with a 30 meter span. The choice of subject is led by a rising popularity of these materials in bridge design and s ...

The New Norm of Circular Construction

Accelerating successful employment of vertical integration of modular construction’s project- and product value chains. An empirical single case study of an integrated modular building company

In recent years, the housing market has been under pressure due to growing demand for (inner-city) housing and a lack of supply. Housing is in high demand as a result of factors such as population growth, rapid urbanization, smaller households, the freezing of "mobility in houses ...

Gerji Co-habitable Densification _ Urbanization & Nostalgia

Towards the collective welfare between original and new residents

An alternative proposal for the densification needs of Gerji site in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The design itself is systematic and highly flexible, on a larger scale, it could be an example of a gentler way of deification that is caring for the people involved.

Circularity in infrastructure projects with Early Contractor Involvement

Investigating the knowledge contribution of contractors towards circular construction in the design process

The number of raw materials consumed and waste generated by the construction industry is no longer a viable solution in the future. It is required for the construction industry to move from a linear towards a circular economy (CE) by circular construction (CC). The unfamiliarity ...

Assessing circular buildings

A balance between circularity and life cycle costs of a building

Being one of the world’s largest waste generator, the construction industry is responsible for a train of events such as global warming, climate change, and depletion of natural resources. Materials are exhausted globally to a large extent and the waste produced in the process is ...

Radical Vernacular

A New Ethiopian Urbanity

Addis Ababa is a city experiencing a huge population boom, and where the vast majority of housing can be classified as “slum”. State-owned kebele housing, which houses an estimated 40% of the city’s inhabitants, has very low rents but is not maintained, leading to deterioration. ...

Housing is Dynamic, Not Static

Shifting the Development of Affordable Housing with Circular Materials and Methods in Kenya

In the built environment, the continuous growth and expansion of urban areas worldwide have become alarming. The built environment is continuously developing in an unsustainable manner, and in the mid-term future, resources will be scarce if practices are not changed. Therefore, ...

The transition of construction project organisations towards a Circular Economy, by implementing Product-Service Systems

Restructure the stakeholder network of a construction project organisations to increase value towards a circular economy

The built environment has a huge contribution to the total CO2 and waste production, due to their linear approach of “take, make & dispose”. A shift in construction is needed towards the circular economy to close material loops, decrease and eventually stop the depletion of the e ...
The circular economy is an economic model in which resources are circulated in a closed loop by adopting the R-strategies (e.g. reuse, recycling, and reduce) to minimize waste and pollution. Repurposing vacant buildings, known as adaptive reuse, is in line with the principle of c ...

Explorative case study to gain insight on the consequences of circular infrastructural construction projects

Investigating the effects of circularity in construction projects on project process and construction costs.

The aim of this research was to investigate the effects of implementing circularity in infrastructural construction projects. As a very polluting sector, circularity is becoming a more and more popular theme in the construction industry. Driven by both governmental regulations o ...

The Circular Influencer

A research into the impact of incentives in the circular strategic decision-making processes within project management stakeholders

The increasing significance of the circular economy in the real estate construction industry is driven by evolving environmental, social, political, and economic factors. While there is increasing pressure for a national transition to a circular building economy, the sector conti ...

Circularity as a Game Changer

An exploration into dynamic capabilities' microfoundations as mechanisms for business model transformation in architectural firms

Economies, society, and organizations are operating on borrowed time (Lacy & Rutqvist, 2015). As a response to urgent planetary and societal needs, a critical shift is required on every aspect of how organizations in the construction sector, one of the most resource intensive a ...

Exploring the connection between arriving young adults and current residents of Addis Ababa

The redevelopment of bole sub city Woreda 14, Gerji, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The goal of the graduation studio is to research and design housing solutions that improve the livelihood of Addis Ababa’s urban dwellers. Combining analysis, planning and design, the participants of this graduation studio were challenged to use multidisciplinary research methods ...

Talking circularity - the influence of actors on the building process

A study into actor networks and influence on decision-making regarding the implementation of circularity into the building process.

The purpose of this master thesis is to gather information from current practices and make recommendations to facilitate implementation of circularity in the building process. The past years, circularity has become a popular term in the built environment. This approach prefers a ...

Performance-based maintenance contracts for offshore wind farms

A decision-making flowchart to structure the sourcing process for the post-warranty O&M phase of offshore wind farms

The pioneers in the early 21th century who built the first big offshore wind farms now have to compete with the quickly improving renewable energy technologies and see their farm being out-dated (See also: Dvorak, 2013 & Wind Energy Update, 2013). At present, wind farm owners fac ...

Blockchain for Circularity

Hyperledger Fabric-based Material Passport Framework

The Linear Economy currently follows the Take - Make – Dispose model. This paradigm is based on the consumption of resources rather than the preservation of their value. If this model remains dominant, it will lead to material scarcity, thereby increasing materials prices. The li ...

Overcoming barriers when implementing a Product-as-a-Service business model

Overcoming barriers within the transition towards a circular economy by looking at theory and practice

The transition towards a circular economy has many barriers. Scholars have researched these barriers in the last few years, though due to lack of implemented cases, practical insights are missing. With a holistic overview, this research connects the theoretical knowledge with ins ...

Robots at the construction site

An adjusted business model for construction companies

Context - After the recession of 2008, the real estate market is picking up again. Amongst others due to the urbanisation and the increasing world population the real estate demand is growing. However, the current scarcity of workforce in the construction industry might become a ...

To Bid or not to Bid: that is the Question

Relating Contractor Bid Decisions to Tender Design Related Attributes

The construction industry has always been an important driver of the economy. An important part of the projects in this industry is commissioned by public entities. However, recently a trend can be observed in which the procurement process fails more often than before. Due to the ...