K.C. Terwel


7 records found


Activities by IABSE WG8 (Forensic Structural Engineering)

A working group on forensic engineering (WG8) was established within the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) in 2011. This working group aims to mitigate structural failures and improve forensic engineering practices. To accomplish this goal, s ...

Safe-by-design in engineering

An overview and comparative analysis of engineering disciplines

In this paper, we provide an overview of how Safe-by-Design is conceived and applied in practice in a large number of engineering disciplines. We discuss the differences, commonalities, and possibilities for mutual learning found in those practices and identify several ways of pu ...
A broad review of the existing literature concerning Human and Organizational Factors (HOFs) and human errors influencing structural safety is presented in this study. Publications on this research topic were collected from the Scopus database. Two research focal points of this t ...

Onderzoek naar de oorzaken van bouwkundige schade in Groningen

Methodologie en case studies ter duiding vande oorzaken

Voor u ligt een rapport van TU Delft dat is opgesteld in opdracht van de Nationaal Coördinator Groningen. Het rapport doet verslag van een onderzoek naar de oorzaken van bouwkundige schade in de provincie Groningen. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd aan de hand van een aantal case stud ...

Innovative Ways of Dealing with Existing Problems

How to reliably Assess the Cause of Damage of Masonry Structures in an Area with Man-induced Earthquakes?

Groningen, a province in the northern part of the Netherlands, suffers from earthquakes because of gas drilling. The residential building stock in Groningen was not designed for these loads. Over the years a lot of smaller and larger damage has developed, possibly - but not neces ...

Tevreden met de status quo?

Onderzoek naar invloedsfactoren op constructieve veiligheid

Constructieve veiligheid is onder constructeurs een aansprekend begrip. We vinden het allemaal belangrijk en hebben er ook allemaal een mening over, zeker als er met zekere regelmaat een constructie bezwijkt. In een promotieonderzoek aan de TU Delft is onderzocht wat constructiev ...

De rol van constructeurs in de aanpak van de klimaatcrisis

Een stappenplan voor duurzame constructies

MKI, MPG, BENG, CO2-neutraal, LCA, EPD, cascadering, circulair bouwen, donorskelet. De duurzaamheidsdiscussie is de laatste jaren opgelaaid en heeft geleid tot nieuwe termen, afkortingen en in gespecialiseerde duurzaamheidsconsultants met eigen jargon. Door de grote hoeveelheid e ...


13 records found

In Groningen, seismic activity has increased due to the extraction of gas in the area. A large-scale research campaign has been launched with the aim to assess and safeguard structures in the region. However, an accurate assessment of these buildings turned out to be a challenge, ...
To stick to climate change targets and reduce global carbon emissions, the building sector needs to adopt a circular economy. In the steel sector, reuse or elements can reduce carbon emissions which are created in today's steel scrap recycling practices. This thesis contributes t ...

Identifying Structural Hazards in Building Construction Projects

A research into structural failure databases and risk assessments

Building failure incidents are occurring within the Netherlands and these incidents can be a valuable source of technical data regarding improvements in structural safety. This research has attempted to utilize this information gained to develop a tool to aid the building constru ...

Designing a sustainable high-rise structure

Research into the material environmental impact of the main load-bearing structure of the building for the European Patent Office

This research investigated in which ways the material environmental impact of the main load-bearing structure of a high-rise building can be reduced. To determine this material environmental impact, the shadow price for each material and product has been determined by using ten e ...

Assessment of consequence class two (CC2) buildings

Exploration to an effective and efficient assessment method for existing consequence class two buildings

Numerous structural failure incidents have occurred in the past years. It was found that current methods, such as NEN 2767, fall short in guaranteeing the structural safety of existing buildings. Although structural failure incidents infrequently result in casualties, there are a ...

Parametric comparison of stability systems

Development of a parametric tool for the comparison and optimisation of four concrete stability systems for high-rise buildings between 100 m and 250 m in an early design phase

The aim of this research is to make the early design process more efficient. This is done with a parametric model, which compares high-rise stability systems. The research is focused on the stability systems shear walls, core, outrigger and tube. All systems are executed in concr ...

High-Rise Buildings on Compressible Soil

Research on the Structural Behavior and Substantiation of the Mitigating Measures

Cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam are located on top of a compressible clay layer. Most of the buildings in these cities are founded on the foundation layer above the compressible layer. Therefore this compressible layer can induce problems when the soil pressure increases sign ...

Tall Timber Extension

Design study for a new construction method in the city of Rotterdam

In most of city centres in the Netherlands, there is a growing demand for residential housing. However, as most of the land is occupied by existing buildings, developers recur to demolish and build higher buildings, in order to fulfil the urban need. Even though demolition, may b ...

The Timber Skeleton

Redesigning the roof structure of Notre Dame de Paris

On April 15th, 2019 a devastating fire burned down Notre Dame de Paris and left the cathedral without its central spire and ancient gable roof, better known as The Forest. The required reconstruction initiated a global debate between architects, engineers, and other stakeholders. ...

A structured approach to forensic structural investigations of concrete damages

The development of an investigation methodology to determine the technical cause of damages to concrete structures

In the Netherlands, there are generally two categories of structural forensic investigations. The first category are extensive investigations with the goal to learn from failure by investigating all aspects: technical, human and organisational. The second category are investigati ...

Sustainable structural design of high-rise

Life-cycle assessment of main load bearing structures of high-rise buildings in the Netherlands

High-rise buildings are a potential solution to the environmental impact caused by the built environment and the increasing demand for space in urban areas. As recent developments focus on reducing the impact by operational energy (OE) (heating, cooling, hot water and ventilation ...

A study into contract strategies based on existing moveable bridge projects

The influence of project parameters and client characteristics on construction contracting.

Currently there are a lot of contract types available for building projects. It is not always clear beforehand what type of contract a client should choose for his project. The goal of this study is to solve this problem by advising clients which type of contract to use for movea ...

Rapid Building Damage Detection Through SAR Timeseries Analysis in the Google Earth Engine

Using Sentinel-1 GRD imagery in the Google Earth Engine to detect Building Damage in Rapid Disaster Response Situations