
4 records found

Constructing Business Models around Identity

Tensions in Architectural Firms

Architectural firms experience difficulties to establish healthy and sustainable business models as they have to reconcile the often-competing value systems that they are based upon. Organizational members continuously negotiate professional values and beliefs with the firm's com ...

Trade-offs in the value capture of architectural firms

The significance of professional value

Architectural firms often have difficulty generating profit from their services as they pursue not only commercial but also professional goals. These goals frequently conflict and have to be balanced during the process of value creation and value capture. So far, literature has f ...

Short and long-term innovations on dietary behavior assessment and coaching

Present efforts and vision of the pride and prejudice consortium

Overweight, obesity and cardiometabolic diseases are major global health concerns. Lifestyle factors, including diet, have been acknowledged to play a key role in the solution of these health risks. However, as shown by numerous studies, and in clinical practice, it is extremely ...

Open for business

Project-specific value capture strategies of architectural firms

Architectural firms can be regarded as creative professional service firms. As such, architects need to navigate creative, professional and commercial goals, while simultaneously attempting to fulfil client, user and societal needs. This complex process is becoming increasingly d ...


16 records found

With the rapid development of society, complex problems are becoming increasingly visible such as climate change, energy shortage, poverty, and migration. Many organizations are cooperating together to solve these problems because it is impossible for one organization to handle a ...

From start-up to scale-up

A study about the characteristics of starting architectural firms and their business models

The creative industry is growing faster then before, start-ups are popping up from everywhere and many incubator and accelerator programs try to support innovative ideas to become a success. The construction sector is also growing, which means that there is also room for starting ...

Strategizing the ideation phase of the startup studio model

How can the application of design in early phases of innovation enhance startup studio ideation?

This project has explored how design can be of added value in early phases of innovation in the context of the startup studio We Are Builders. Insights were gathered from multiple sources to analyse the project scope and explore opportunities. The goal of this graduation assignme ...

Finding what Fits

Uncovering the potential of Explorative Self-experimentation and how to facilitate it – A meta-strategy for helping individuals change and maintain personal health behaviours

We live in a world in which chronic diseases are on the rise. Yet, improving personal health behaviours is a long-term goal, that is often undermined by alluring offers that provide instant gratification and other more pressing day-to-day matters. Often it is not the intention th ...

Employee Involvement in Strategy Realization

Designing a tool to motivate employees for strategy realization by creating a win-win between the organization's objectives and employees' interest

Strategy is used by organizations to adjust to emerging challenges and opportunities in the market environment. Due to a more rapidly changing market caused by globalization, strategy has become increasingly important. Organizations often struggle to implement strategy successful ...

Design for Autonomy

Design roles in designer-client co-creation projects

As design challenges are becoming more and more complex, we aim to solve them by including an increasing variety of perspectives and opinions into the creative problem-solving process. Co-creation aims to achieve this by involving stakeholders throughout the process. Including al ...

Organizational context alignment in service design projects

Creating a framework for exploration of the organizational context to unlock the transformative impact of service design projects

Our world is changing rapidly in various ways, forcing organizations to engage in continuous change to stay relevant. Therefore, it has become an essential capability of organizations to engage in and attempt to manage change to remain successful and sustain their existence (Stou ...

Participatory Design in Architecture

A toolkit to communicate needs between architects and users

As architects encounter challenges when comprehending and fulfilling the requirements of users and other stakeholders involved in the architectural design project, participatory design, which involves non-architects in the design process, is perceived as one of the solutions. It ...

Measuring Strategic Design Performance

A KPI for the fuzzy front end

This thesis describes my Master graduation project in which I attempt to design a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for Strategic Designers, to enable us to justify and explain our efforts in a quantitatively oriented context, such as a corporate setting. In the end, this project p ...

Making connections

Exploring value co-creation in service design projects

Ford is facing new competitors and changes in their market. To stay relevant, they have to deal with collaboration to solve complex problems, new technologies that enable new value propositions and a shift from products to services. Service design seemed like a promising approach ...

Transforming Traditions with the Protestantse Kerk in Nederland

Designing an Urban Infrastructure for Young Christian Wanderers

The Protestantse Kerk in Nederland (PKN) is facing a challenge due to a decline in membership, with more people in the Netherlands not believing in God than those who do. This decrease affects the PKN, losing 3% of its 1.6 million members annually, especially among the younger ge ...

Towards Digital Twins in Healthcare

How would a meaningful Digital Twin for the user look like?

Healthcare is starting to change fundamentally. One of the disruptive technologies that can be seen as an enabler for this change is the technology of a Digital Twin (DT). A DT is widely adopted in the field of engineering for predictive maintenance and testing of parameters of p ...

Future Workspace Envisioner

A visioning and research tool to trigger people to think and speak about the future workplace

The purpose of the workplace has changed. Employees proved that they could be productive while working remotely, and they do not want to lose the flexibility they gained (Dahik et al., 2021). In addition, many companies are struggling to bring back employees to the office, and a ...

Navigating Pattern Language

A Practitioners’ Guide to Decide on Their Approach on Pattern Language Theory for Complex Problems

Numansgors is a village seeking to improve sustainability by housing renovation. In this process, the effective participation of homeowners faces multiple challenges. The Pattern Language Theory (PLT), a design methodology first proposed by Alexander Christopher in 1970s, shows i ...

Towards shoppable health

For people with pre-diabetes

Preventing or decreasing chronic health conditions by healthy eating is increasingly seen as a shared responsibility. Defining what is healthy is person-specific, depending amongst others on a person’s health and responses to food. Supermarkets, which are considered highly influe ...

A generative AI integration tool for managers

Preparing, dealing and thriving with the impact of AI

This graduation report presents a comprehensive approach to the identification of an opportunity in the rising technology and interests in generative AI. The report delivers a concept for a tool that is designed for managers. The tool is aimed at aiding in the integration of gene ...