
1 records found

Towards a framework for Open Data literacy in education:

A systematic mapping review of Open Data skills and learning approaches

Open Data (OD) is defined as digital data that is made available with the technical and legal characteristics necessary to be freely used, reused, and redistributed by anyone, anytime and anywhere. Although OD can be seen as a commons, citizens often face challenges in accessing, ...


19 records found

Participation for a people–centered Delft

Enabling the municipality of Delft to design people–centered cities with the local communities using participatory approaches

This graduation project is a collaboration between the Inclusive City Hub (part of Delft Design Labs) and the Gemeente Delft. This project focuses on the topic of participation for creating people–centered cities. The initial problem definition of the project was to understand ho ...

Supporting citizen initiatives

The design of a platform for the neighbourhood budget of the Frederik Hendrikbuurt

This master thesis is the report of the graduation project ‘Supporting citizen initiatives - the design of a platform for the neighbourhood budget of the Frederik Hendrikbuurt’ for the municipality of Amsterdam and more specifically the municipal participation innovation team Ope ...

Scaling citizen participation through local energy initiatives

Insights in the roles and contribution of the local energy initiatives in The Hague and a strategy and action repertoire for the municipality of The Hague

Within the Energy Transition, citizen involvement is essential. In the end, we have to change together to succeed within the Energy Transition. Because of the local character of the Energy Transition and a responsibility shift, the municipalities have got the challenging task to ...

Supporting green urban initiatives in local biodiversity improvement

Creating a toolkit for the green pioneers of Rotterdam

The green pioneers of Rotterdam are actively making the city a greener living environment. Through the infrastructure provided by the municipality of Rotterdam, citizens can apply to take over a green space from the municipality or to introduce green elements to the predominantly ...

Design for Participation

A circular centre in de BUCH

Over the past decades, a culture that rapidly produces, consumes and discards earthly resources is established. The extraction and processing of these resources lead to an increasing amount of greenhouse gas emissions which are warming the planet day by day. In 2016 the European ...

Empower Cociety

A systemic design approach to unravel Cociety’s potential and design a Social Innovation Strategy

In the last decade, European citizens had to overcome multiple severe disruptive events like Covid-19, extreme weather and war at the EU-boarder. With ongoing climate change and political instability, more crises are expected to arise. To deal with these crises an increased resil ...

On circular transitioning

An action repertoire for the BUCH

Many resources are becoming depleted, and waste is a global issue. For accomplishing sustainable growth, the European Commission set the objective for achieving a circular economy in 2050. Rijkswaterstaat pushed this ambition even further, wanting to be circular in 2030. In the ...
In 2015, due to decentralisations in the social domain, municipalities became the key public authorities for youth participation in the Netherlands (RAND Europe, 2021). One year later 66% had made youth participation a policy goal, while 18% was planning to. At that time most mun ...

Designing for a circular network

Supporting socio-economic initiatives in a local circular community

We have come to a point in time where we can no longer just vision, but must act. We are talking about the transition from waste to material. The normal course of business around raw materials is a heavily environmentally polluting business, which contributes to global warming. I ...

Design as a new policy competency

A Learning Environment for capacity-building in public management

Public management field needs to keep pace with contemporary and evolving problems, and therefore invest in and harvest capabilities to meet future scenarios. It is crucial to have a clear vision on the back end of social advising and a staff who is aware of the wideness of its i ...

Designing the Middellandstraat Food Journey

An initiative to revitalize a multicultural shopping street

The project is an initiative to revitalize a multicultural shopping street in Rotterdam, called Middellandstraat. The design question was how to support the shops to attract more visitors to the shopping street through the food diversity. Investigations into the visitors' experie ...

Designing for climate adaptive behaviour change in IJsselmonde, Rotterdam

A research through design project to inform design for transitions

Our society is facing a major challenge: to combat climate change. This requires transformation into a society that does not emit greenhouse gasses. This is known. However, it is not known, how to realise this transformation. This is experienced by Gemeente Rotterdam, as they are ...

Co-creating narratives about migration

A strategy to connect migration research and native citizens in the context of the paces project

In recent years, the EU and its member states have perceived migration as a significant challenge, leading policymakers to adopt prediction and control strategies that fail to consider the nature of migratory patterns (PACES Consortium, 2022). Research on migratory patterns in so ...

Connecting through Information

Design and Data to foster Democracy

Connecting through Information is a participatory tool for citizens to map their Information Ecosystem. The aim is to foster citizen participation while developing data literacies through design methods. Through the use of Connecting through Information during a participatory ses ...

Enhancing 3D printing for repair

Designing a system that enhances the collaboration between repairers and makers

This project focuses on enhancing the accessibility of 3D printing for repairers by designing a system in which repairers can collaborate with makers. Repair has become rare in societies with an abundance of cheap goods. However in recent years repair is making a gradual comebac ...

Navigating Pattern Language

A Practitioners’ Guide to Decide on Their Approach on Pattern Language Theory for Complex Problems

Numansgors is a village seeking to improve sustainability by housing renovation. In this process, the effective participation of homeowners faces multiple challenges. The Pattern Language Theory (PLT), a design methodology first proposed by Alexander Christopher in 1970s, shows i ...

Balancing Power

Explorations towards a more decolonial participatory design process

Participatory Design (PD) has been used as a medium to democratize the design practice and include in the process the people intended to use the outcomes. When working for social change and justice, the practice intends to maintain its democratic nature by giving voice and agency ...

Blik op Buurt

Story-finding of neighborhood problems using local perspectives with data

Many active citizens that work on improving their neighborhoods have in-depth local knowledge (small data), but are oftentimes not directly involved in the decision-making processes of city officials. A top-down push is witnessed to make smart use of open data for the development ...

Circular Collaborations in Urban space

A tool-kit for scaling through engagement

A circular economy is a means to an end of achieving a sustainable world, a lot of traction has been gained in the recent years into the concept of a circular economy and many new products and business models have been created around the concept. But most of the exploration of th ...