
A.G.C. van Boeijen


20 records found

This thesis explored the company Trompenaars Hampden-Turner (THT), its offerings, activities and the context it works in. THT is a company originally founded in 1989 as the Centre for International Business Studies. Trompenaars Hampden-Turner is a relatively small niche consultin ...

Eating and drinking in Dutch hospice care

Coping difficulties and conflicts

People with a life-limiting illness, and everyone closely involved, face many struggles throughout the illness. One of those struggles is related to the diminishing appetite for food and drinks. In Dutch hospice care institutions this struggle has also become apparent with their ...

Shadow of the Future

Reflective workshops that acquaint locals and newcomers

The monthly number of non-western immigrants that applied for a status in the Netherlands has been constantly rising from 955 in May 2021 to 3590 in November 2021 (CBS, 2021). During the first period in the AZC, “newcomers” are purposely distanced from Dutch society. This has as ...


A tangible storytelling tool for building a family culture

This report describes the development of the tool PREQUEL, a tangible storytelling tool to build a family culture. The tool is intended to support meaningful conversations between two parents. Through conversation and storytelling, the tool encourages them to explore the world of ...

Beige by Default

The issue of skin tone inclusivity in product design and a proposal for resolving it in design education and professional practices

Past and current product design practices have not been and are not skin tone inclusive. People with darker skin tones are regularly excluded from the design process and the final product. Examples of this are the simple adhesive bandage and the more advanced facial recognition s ...
This master thesis report is the result of a six-month-long graduation project for the Design for Interaction master at TU Delft. The report describes the development of the design guidelines to attune the TAS program to the Netherlands. The main goals that guided the project wer ...

Zachte Wacht

A concept promoting long-term social support for CSN parents

When a child with special needs is born, the lives of all family members radically change, and so does their family culture. For the well-being of their parents, it is crucial that they feel connected with the people in their surroundings, for fulfilling their fundamental human n ...

Field notes for food cultures

Developing a culture sensitive design guide for the Protein Transition

The Protein Transition is a societal transition that resolves around shifting society towards consuming more plant-based proteins instead of animal proteins. There are numerous drivers for this transition, the most well-known and considerable ones being climate change, animal wel ...


A tool that encourages pregnant teenagers to eat healthy during their pregnancies

This thesis walks the reader through the research and design process of ‘HelloPreggo!’, a tool developed for pregnant teenagers to guide them towards a healthier nutritional lifestyle during pregnancy. To start off, both literature and empirical research have been conducted on te ...

Establishing a healthy financial climate for people in debt with a different cultural background in the Randstad

Strategy and intervention for Coeo that helps employees to attune their interactions with clients to cross cultural chasms

This master's thesis investigates the demand for human empathy and understanding across cultures in Coeo, a technology-driven collection company. Debtors express a desire for a more personalized and respectful debt collection process in the Netherlands. Focusing on the challenges ...

Big Fat Nonsense

A discussion tool to reduce weight-related stigmas in the direct social environment

Weight stigma is defined as the negative attitudes and beliefs that are manifested by stereotypes, rejection and prejudice towards individuals because they are overweight. Weight stigmas have a negative impact on the mental health of people with excess weight. They internalize th ...

Welcome to the neighborhood

A study for newcomers' sense of feeling at home in Bospolder-Tussendijken

The Netherlands has been facing a crisis in its asylum trajectory, with the overloaded application center in Ter Apel drawing attention to the country’s migration system. While a limited capacity in Ter Apel is one of the first hurdles asylum seekers face, it is only the start of ...

Pop your Bubble

A Lesson Plan for Teenagers to Rethink their online Filter Bubbles

This graduation thesis report describes the research activities investigating the education on filter bubbles in Dutch secondary schools towards teenagers between 14-16 years old, and the design to improve this through including critical thinking techniques. During this research ...


Development of a product that supports healthy eating and wellbeing of Millennials suffering from Bulimia Nervosa

Anima is a new product service that aims to help people suffering from B.N during the maintenance stage. This means that once the patient is out from therapy, there are still some chances of having a relapse episode, that is why a solution to keep a balanced and healthy lifestyle ...


Development of an in-home cultivator targeting the European market

Sherpa Space Inc., a South Korean startup located in Daejeon, aimed to develop an innovative home appliance capable of growing high-quality medicinal and edible plants by combining aeroponic agriculture with their own patented lighting technology. To do so, they envisioned a whol ...

Playful learning through designing toys

Developing a design education toolkit for a non-profit organisation in rural Kenya

Sustainable Rural Initiatives (SRI) is a non-profit organisation in Okana, a rural community in West Kenya. SRI provides the community members of Okana with opportunities to develop practical skills such as carpentry and tailoring. SRI also works with international partners with ...

Design for disclosure

Supporting victims of sexual violence in sharing their experiences

This thesis describes the process of the development of the toolkit: Durf te delen (Dare to share). A toolkit to support both a victim of sexual abuse and her confidant (person of trust) during the process of disclosing the experience with sexual abuse. This thesis focuses on fem ...

Experiential travel in Curaçao

A design for historical museums to support visitors’ immersion into the island’s culture

Experiential travel is a form of tourism in which people focus on experiencing a country, city or particular place by connecting to its history, people and culture. The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) is the official government entity that promotes foreign visits, tourism, for the is ...

Trans at the TUD

Improving transgender acceptance at Delft University of Technology

This thesis presents a VR Transgender Inclusion Experience that informs, immerses, and improves the cisgender user to become more inclusive towards transgender peers. By showing them uncomfortable scenarios from the perspective of transgender and non-binary people they become mor ...

In the Pocket

Motivation despite Automation

The focus of this project is a two-fold: First and foremost to design a product that stimulates interaction between humans and machines. This interaction should be motivating and encouraging. Therefore, contributing to the values and needs of users. This project demonstrates the ...