S.E. Baha

22 records found


In Design-Driven Innovation (D-DI) the meaning of a product or service is radically innovated to introduce a new paradigm that ideally can benefit people, companies, and society as a whole. However, due to the associated risks, most companies are hesitant to engage with and ad ...

Since its introduction, Research through Design (RtD) has taken on a wide variety of forms. Currently, there is a lack of clarity about what connects and separates different RtD approaches. Several attempts have been made to clarify these matters, often in the form of a top-down ...
Identity development of design students is a dynamic entanglement between personal and professional identities. Yet, literature primarily focuses on professional identity, based on institutionalized definitions of design to which students must conform. In contrast, we explore per ...
Within the third wave of digital service innovation, framing is becoming increasingly complex. Accordingly, design practice finds itself in a transition from designing single service solutions that are shared, to designing systemic solutions that are shareable. We report a case s ...
Radical innovations are designs that alter the meaning of our life experiences. In order to realize such innovation, a designer needs a vision, a strong personal view on the world. The identity and values of designers however, are often denied in modern design processes. onsequen ...


The Strategy of Life

How The School of Life Amsterdam can make self-development a norm in society

This graduation project aims to change the way people look towards self-development, and make self-development a norm in society so that people will be leading more meaningful and fulfilling lives. The School of Life Amsterdam is an organisation that aligned with this personal vi ...
The graduation project assignment was to design a strategy for a concept for HARMAN Automotive's partnership with Bang & Olufsen and Ford Motor Company. By means of the design-driven innovation method (Verganti, 2009, 2016), a product-service system was created.

Doing money better

Supporting young adults in sustainable financial decision-making

Money is a key element in people’s overall well-being (Abey & Ford, 2008). Young adults are behaving very differently towards finances compared to previous generations (Williams et al, 2010). In addition, young adults have little trust on financial institutions and no one to ...

Balancing Power

Explorations towards a more decolonial participatory design process

Participatory Design (PD) has been used as a medium to democratize the design practice and include in the process the people intended to use the outcomes. When working for social change and justice, the practice intends to maintain its democratic nature by giving voice and agency ...

Unveil Awareness

A Design Education Tool for Revealing the Hidden Curriculum

In this project, I research how to unveil the hidden curriculum in Design Education. The hidden curriculum is the curriculum that students develop tacitly during their studies. It is also defined as tacit knowledge developed in education. tacit knowledge is a part of knowledge th ...

Design for Autonomy

Design roles in designer-client co-creation projects

As design challenges are becoming more and more complex, we aim to solve them by including an increasing variety of perspectives and opinions into the creative problem-solving process. Co-creation aims to achieve this by involving stakeholders throughout the process. Including al ...
This report describes the process and outcomes of a graduation project for the MSc program Strategic Product Design. The client organization in this project is Innovation Booster (IB). IB, founded in 2012 and located in Amsterdam, is specialized in innovation services. IB is acti ...

Mindful Urban Dwelling

Care and conviviality as a means to community resilience and adaptation

In the midst of climate change, a global pandemic, and an increasingly complex world, urban communities are in need for novel ways to adapt to the new climatic conditions.

Through a vision-led iterative design process, I explored how community resilience can flourish, by ...
This graduation project makes a contribution to this complex challenge by researching the question “How can NS achieve circular inflow and outflow during building, modernisation and end-of-life for the train interior, car body and bogies?”. A contribution to this challenge was ma ...
This master thesis report is the culmination of six months of collaboration between TU Delft and KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. The aim of the project is to investigate ways by which KLM can change the perception of passengers during a disruption event such as flight delays, cancellat ...
This project focusses on the creation of a hydrofoil specifically for the windsurfing market. The assigment was created for PWsurfsport. PWsurfsport is a windsurfing company based in Leiden. The company has two subsidiary companies called Tribal and KA. Sails. Tribal produces win ...

Intrinsic transitions

A strategy for housing corporations to facilitate sustainability in neigbhorhoods

This graduation project investigates the stimulation of sustainable behaviour among residents from a housing corporation in Eindhoven, Wooninc., and proposes a program for grassroots infrastructure as a way to support sustainable transitions in neighborhoods.As a partner of the “ ...
The current thesis explores the impact that the use of visual contracts has from the fairness perspective. The project developed in collaboration with the company Visual Contracts, a start-up specialized in Legal Design Thinking, aims to provide an added value and evidence that s ...

Facilitating The Internal Adoption Of Radical Innovation Concepts

A strategic design approach to facilitating the decision-making process behind the internal adoption of radical innovation concepts for further development

Radical innovation is a critical source for creating competitive advantage and value for potential customers. However, radical innovation has inherent characteristics that make a radical innovation project difficult to manage, such as: increased generativity – the aspect that des ...
The project is in cooperation with PHYSEE. The Company provides completely transparent windows, that generate data by sensing the environment condition and convert solar power into electricity, simultaneously.
During the project, to create more values to the company, and to f ...