M.C. Rozendaal


6 records found

Things that help out

Designing smart wearables as partners in stress management

We propose an approach to designing smart wearables that act as partners to help people cope with stress in daily life. Our approach contributes to the developing field of smart wearables by addressing how technological capabilities can be designed to establish partnerships that ...

Shift and Blend

Understanding the hybrid character of computing artefacts on a tool-agent spectrum

In the context of human-agent interaction, we see the emergence of computational artefacts that display hybridity because they can be experienced as tools and agents. In this paper we propose a tool-agent spectrum as an analytical lens that uses ‘intention’ as a central concept. ...

Support for families at home during childhood cancer treatment

A pilot study with Mr.V the Spaceman, a family-based activities tool

Purpose: It is important to support families in dealing with the distress that comes along with the diagnosis and treatment of childhood cancer. Therefore, we developed a playful tool that families can use at home to support their family functioning and safeguard their normal fam ...

Making Tactful Objects for Sensitive Settings

A Research through Design Process

This contribution illustrates the Research through Design process of Mr.V the Spaceman, a tactful object meant to support families of children with cancer maintain a healthy domestic life during stressful times. By recounting insights from the field and unfolding changes to the o ...
This paper develops a set of design strategies for promoting young children’s physical activity. These strategies are developed by taking the design perspective of Playscapes as a starting point. Playscapes suggests that three play qualities are key in promoting young children’s ...

Designing tactful objects for sensitive settings

A case study on families dealing with childhood cancer

In the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), there is an increasing interest in designing for well-being. With this contribution, we introduce Tactful Objects as a design perspective on interactive artifacts that empower people in sensitive settings. We explore the concept o ...


14 records found

Speculating DATA-DRIVEN SHARED Decision Making in The Future of healthcare

Designing a data-driven Decision Support Tool (DST) for Oncology (Melanoma)

Navigating consequential decisions is a difficult task in and of itself, especially when they have a significant impact on one's life. This is especially true in the complex world of healthcare, where the importance of choices is magnified. The complexities of these issues can ma ...
The focus of this project is two-fold: first it explores how animation can be used to make functional robots more intuitively understandable. A framework for functional robot developers, to apply animations in the designed behaviours of their products, is proposed. Second, it dem ...

Immersive Spatial Experience

The development of a novel assistive technology for dynamic spatial environment perception for the visually impaired

This project develops a novel assistive technology for aiding in mobility of the Visually Impaired in collaboration with Royal Visio. This technology provides VIPs with a dynamic tactile map of their environment to improve spatial awareness. The aim is to improve overview, wayfi ...

A Cleaner Public Space Through Robots

An exploratory research into the introduction of a cleaning robot in the Amsterdam Schoon department

The Dutch metropolis of Amsterdam deals with a waste problem. Both the inhabitants and tourists in Amsterdam experience nuisance from litter. The future growth of Amsterdam will only amplify this problem. To address this, the municipality needs to increase the productivity of t ...
This project focuses on developing design guidelines for Human-Agent Collaboration around Authority, Autonomy, and Control in the outdoor painting context. While painting as an activity is something most of us have done and understand, working professionals have a sense of pride ...

Robot Code of Conduct for Automated Dairy Farming

Steering the Design of Pleasurable, Cohesive and Appropriate Behaviours for Lely Automated Portfolio

Robot systems are essentially a new species spreading around us, one that we willingly designed and introduced. Neither a natural species nor a mere human artefact. We have limited information about these smart agents. What do they want, what do you need from us, and how can we f ...


Stimulating physical play in children with cancer

The aim of this project was to stimulate young children with cancer to engage in physical play to decrease the stagnation of their physical development. Children from the age of 2 to 5 are in the middle of their physical growth and development. This is also the age group with the ...

Design of an external communication system for expressive automated vehicles

Enabling automation transparency in future urban traffic

Future introduction on automated vehicles (levels 3, 4, and 5) in urban traffic comes with several societal benefits, but also challenges. One of the biggest challenges that the research community expects from this introduction is the possible problems or critical situations caus ...

Noticing Grippy

Exploring vibration noticeability in the context of a wearable coping aid

Daily stress is a problem that many people are suffering from. In previous research a prototype was developed to help users to identify their own stressful places and encourage them to conduct self-training exercises in those locations. This prototype is called ‘Grippy’. The goal ...
Many people experience worry once in a while. Chronic worry can have a severe impact on people's daily life. Many things, like health conditions, social relationships, sleep quality, and work performance, are all influenced by worrying [Joseph 2017]. So, this is something we woul ...

The making of a smart pillow

Designing an object with intent through a data-enabled design process

Leisure is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as: “The time when you are not working or doing other duties.” During this time, people engage in a broad variety of activities. They engage in these activities because they want to and because it makes them happy in some way. Newman ...


Data-centric design of a user-aware navigation agent for blind mobility

With the rise of digital technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and sensor technologies, all the products we use every day are increasingly becoming ‘intelligent’. Machines, objects, and tools are slowly evolving into robots, objects-with-intent (Rozend ...


Smoothen the transition of ‘being awake’ into ‘falling asleep’ aided by an environment, for people who suffer from sleep deprivation

According to the literature, sleep deprivation is becoming more common among women between the age of 35-54. These women are easily affected by stress due to their peculiar hormonal, familial and social conditions. Their lifestyle rhythm is shifting towards a 24/7 time-schedule w ...

Privacy-Driven Interaction Design

Creating Transparent Characters for Smart Objects

As more consumer products and services are getting intelligent and collect data about the user, privacy has become an important topic of debate in society. New rules and legislation are being implemented to safeguard the user’s privacy. In addition, from a technological perspecti ...