
20 records found

A new role for the court

Activating, informing and guiding defendants for an accessible and understandable subdistrict judge

Every Dutch person has to deal with the court on average once in his life. There is a good chance that if this happens, you will have to deal with the subdistrict judge. In The Netherlands, this judge is the most accessible form for justice in (legal) conflicts. The subdistrict j ...

A strategic roadmap for DHL towards a sustainable last mile delivery solution for cities in 2030

A customer centred design approach for a last-mile delivery solution in 2030

The e-commerce market is growing rapidly in the last decade. The growth of this industry is causing several challenges. These include a larger number of parcels delivered at service points and the CO2 emitted in the parcel delivery. Especially the last mile delivery is a CO2 inte ...

Designing for cities that live

A design strategy on Urban Heatwaves for the Red Cross

Temperatures in the planet are rising, our cities are not designed for extreme weather and that makes urban heatwaves a deathly hazard. The Red Cross, an organisation who’s vision prevents and alleviates human suffering partnered with the TU Delft for a strategic design approach ...

Families versus Machines

On how a startup can improve digital well-being in the family life

The goal of this project was to find a way to improve digital well-being in family life through design for the startup Unpluq. In this thesis, the designer combined a design approach called Value Sensitive Design with the list of requirements methodology taught at Industrial Desi ...

Improving the onboarding process of Innoboost, A design approach

Mapping and communicating the working methodes & tools

How does a micro SME communicate their way of working and experience to new team members? Every person at the company has about 20 years of experience in various companies. This does not only reflect in each person’s way of working, but also in the language and tools they use. Th ...

Fruit in your food

Repositioning the perception of fruit in meals served by caterers

Throughout history, there have been different attitudes towards eating fruit in the human diet. Currently, fruit is mainly perceived as a snack, that is to be eaten as a separate piece. Various developments in the history of the Netherlands like industrialisation, emancipation an ...

Redesigning Psychiatry

A strategic repertoire to stimulate transition in the mental healthcare sector

The mental healthcare system in the Netherlands is in dire need of anupdate. With 90,000 people on the waiting list, an urgent shortage instaff, regular occurrence of ‘incorrect’ diagnoses, and a persistentstigma on mental health, this was exactly what was on RedesigningPsychiatr ...

Making Rich Insights Applicable

Increasing adoption through user-centered prioritization

The purpose of this project has been to examine ways in which to increase adoption of a digital employee-facing tool by involving its users in the implementation. This was achieved by examining innovation, adoption and the existing theories around those, looked at through the len ...

Data science in design innovation

The integration of data science in design innovation at digital consulting firms

For organisations, the capability to exploit data for innovation efforts has already become imperative to their survival in an ever more competitive market. However, many organisations are currently still struggling with how, where and when to use data science for innovative purp ...

Mindful Urban Dwelling

Care and conviviality as a means to community resilience and adaptation

In the midst of climate change, a global pandemic, and an increasingly complex world, urban communities are in need for novel ways to adapt to the new climatic conditions. Through a vision-led iterative design process, I explored how community resilience can flourish, by focusin ...
Cities have witnessed the disappearance of natural habitats, putting biodiversity at risk and leaving citizens with a diminished connection to nature. Establishing a strong human-nature connection is crucial for sustainable transformations in society, influencing sustainable norm ...

Beyond conscious and premium

A strategy to unite sustainability communication of low-cost brands and retailers in the denim industry

The production of denim harms the environment, and given the industry’s size, the negative impact is significant. Therefore, denim must be produced more sustainably. In order to bring about change in the industry, an increase in demand for eco-friendly jeans is necessary to incen ...

A vision for passenger-centric landside accessibility

A case study with Rotterdam The Hague Airport

This report addresses the project, ‘A vision for passenger- centric landside accessibility - A case study with Rotterdam The Hague Airport’, from the Delft University of Technology, collaborating with Rotterdam The Hague Airport. The assignment is to offer the future vision of ai ...

A place to care

A design exploration of community care

This graduation project investigates the relationship between care and community and reflects on the possible impact of these learnings on design practice. Care is a complex dimension of life, which entails the act of providing everything that is necessary for the maintenance and ...

Strategizing the ideation phase of the startup studio model

How can the application of design in early phases of innovation enhance startup studio ideation?

This project has explored how design can be of added value in early phases of innovation in the context of the startup studio We Are Builders. Insights were gathered from multiple sources to analyse the project scope and explore opportunities. The goal of this graduation assignme ...

Blue Connect

Design of an enhanced cabin crew briefing experience and setting for the KLM Crew Center

KLM has the ambition to be become most customer-centric airline company. Focusing on customer intimacy, KLM defines their purpose: Moving your world, by creating memorable experiences. In order to be successful towards customers, KLM has to start on employee level first, with the ...

Designing a more inclusive museum experience

A strategic service concept to contribute to inclusion in the museum sector, by facilitating a mutually beneficial relationship between museums and their audiences

This project is about inclusion in the museum sector. Concerns around inclusion and equality are rapidly increasing. And, due to these societal dynamics, museums are in times of fundamental change towards inclusivity. At the start of the project, a theoretic framework depicting ...

Bridging the (financial) gap

A dialogic tool for exploring finance innovation within the Netherlands Red Cross

We live inan increasinglycomplex andinterconnected world, were severaldevelopments likeshiftingpolitical power,blurry physical and conceptual frontiers, andrecentlytheCOVID-19 pandemic, test theresilience of organizations andindividuals.Thehumanitarian system and its financingstr ...

Festivals in 2030

A roadmap for Dutch festivals towards future relevance

Dutch festivals are currently extremely popular and offer visitors a way to escape the daily routine, and experience new things. This popularity starts to have its drawbacks since the number of complaints increase. As an effect, regulations become stricter and municipalities hand ...

Don't let the box out!

A holistic approach to capturing material with recycling potential in the e-commerce sector

The explosion in e-commerce has been undeniable. Our current global situation has urged the different industries to adapt the way they provide their services & products, creating a higher demand for home delivery. With 66% of Europeans claiming to have shopped online more since ...