E.M. van Bueren
197 records found
The Potential of AI in Information Provision in Energy-Efficient Renovations
A Narrative Review of Literature
Energy-efficient renovation (EER) is a complex process essential for reducing emissions in the built environment. This research identifies homeowners as the main decision-makers, whereas intermediaries and social interactions between peers are highly influential in home renovatio
Aligning practices towards a circular economy in the architecture, engineering, and construction sector
Seven transitions in different stages of reconfiguration
The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) sector is in need of a transition towards a circular economy. This article offers an analysis of two cases with a wide variation regarding project dynamics in the Netherlands. Alignments and misalignments were analyzed between
Despite growing government and market interest to use Circular Building Hubs for reusing construction components, few academic articles have been written about them. We know little about the potential of hubs to answer to the challenges of reuse in the present and future, and the
Spatial dynamics of incoming movers and the state-led gentrification process
The case of Rotterdam
Although gentrification and its associated changes in residential mobility have been widely studied, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the changing origin locations of gentrification-related residential moves. In this study, we use fine-grained register data from the
Circular economy (CE) is territorialised. Economic activities are spatially embedded; they operate across a variety of scales and are heavily influenced by their spatial context. Yet the CE academic literature and policy frameworks rarely address this dimension. If CE policies ar
Designing for a Flow
Navigating Temporalities in Housing Considerations in Low-Income and Hazard-Prone Caribbean Contexts
The urgency of addressing housing challenges in low-income areas is increasing due to widening socio-economic inequalities and the worsening impact of natural disasters. Saint Martin, a small Caribbean island, is struggling to provide affordable housing amidst hurricanes, floods,
This closing chapter brings together the main messages from each chapter. It formulates a policy agenda for circular cities and regions. It does so by providing a set of recommendations for policy practice. These are addressed at authorities and policy stakeholders at the interna
Crossovers between Sustainability Transitions Research and Social Practice Theory
A Systematic Literature Review
Researchers employ many different approaches to study transitions towards more sustainable futures, of which Sustainability Transitions Research and Social Practice Theory are often used. These approaches offer complementary concepts that are helpful to analyse, explain, forecast
As circular economy policies are adopted to tackle unsustainable built environment patterns related to carbon emissions and inefficient use of resources, scholars warn about the inadequacy of such policies to support sustainable urban development. Siloed circular economy policies
Adapting a systems perspective for sectoral coordination
Approaching flood resilience in Houston and Accra
Increasing resilience to flooding is a complex process that requires horizontal and vertical coordination between institutions in policy making and implementation. This paper explores the effect of institutional coordination on managing flood risk in two cities plagued by floodin
How do students deal with the uncertainty of sustainability challenges?
Metacognitive learning in a transdisciplinary course
While tackling sustainability challenges, engineering students confront various uncertainties, including the unpredictability of real-world scenarios, unfamiliar aspects of problems, and conflicting viewpoints among stakeholders. Despite previous research indicating the likelihoo
Klimaatverandering zorgt tal van nieuwe risico’s voor gebouwen en infrastructuur. Het in kaart brengen van deze klimaatrisico’s is in volle gang, maar de betrouwbaarheid van de beoordelingen die hieruit volgen laat te wensen over en dit maakt de handelingsbasis beperkt. Dat concl
Experimenting with collaboration in the Smart City
Legal and governance structures of Urban Living Labs
Urban Living Labs (ULLs) have been implemented in many cities, but their organizational and legal structure has not often been analyzed. ULLs aim to provide a space for different parties to research, develop, and test solutions to urban problems whilst engaging with local communi
Gentrification and the Origin and Destination of Movers
A Systematic Review
Gentrification is a process whereby neighbourhoods and their socio-economic composition upgrade through residential moves and social mobility. Relatively little attention has been paid to the spatial aspect of gentrification-induced residential moves. This systematic literature r
Zware industriële bedrijvigheid ligt in Nederland meer dan ooit onder een vergrootglas. De milieu-impact van deze industrie op de omgeving is - onder meer door de uitstoot van verontreinigende stoffen die vrijkomen bij de productieprocessen - vaak groot. Op verschillende plekken
Between flexibility and relativism
How students deal with uncertainty in sustainability challenges
Universities open their doors to society, inviting the complexity of the world to enter engineering education through challenge-based courses. While working on complex issues, engineering students learn to deal with different kinds of uncertainty: uncertainty about the dynamics o
Overcoming communication and information barriers in the Dutch energy transition
A study on online sources of energy-efficient retrofits in homeowners’ associations
This paper focuses on the information and communication challenges in the Dutch energy transition in the built environment, with a specific focus on energy-efficient retrofits (EER) in homeowners’ associations (HOAs). The research surveyed the literature on barriers and drivers r
Comprehensive understanding of the merits of bottom-up urban development is lacking, thus hampering and complicating associated collaborative processes. Therefore, and given the assumed relevancies, we mapped the social, environmental and economic values generated by bottom-up de
Transit-Oriented Development in China
A Comparative Content Analysis of the Spatial Plans of High-Speed Railway Station Areas
With rapid high-speed railway (HSR) developments in China, HSR-based transit-oriented development (TOD) has proliferated across the country. Although local governments claim that HSR station areas are planned according to TOD principles, some scholars argue that these station are