Economic factors for successful net-zero energy refurbishment of Dutch terraced houses

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There are many smart technological solutions on the market for the zero energy refurbishment of the current building stock. The Delft University of Technology developed a zero energy renovation concept addressing 1.4 million postwar Dutch terraced houses: Prêt-à-Loger. By applying an integrated external renovation system (called the skin), the house becomes energy neutral while at the same time the living quality and the durability of the house are improved. This non-invasive renovation is designed to be applied to multiple houses. The project competed at the Solar Decathlon Europe 2014, winning five prizes, among which the first in sustainability. However, the team did not stop there; research continued in order to apply the concept in practice.

Despite the easy and fast applicability, the financial aspect still presents a barrier for large-scale implementation. This paper addresses the economic factors that can activate the investment on energy neutral house refurbishments. It summarizes the outcome of one-year interaction with public and local authorities, private companies, research institutes and end-users. The conditions created today by local subsidies and regulations for investments to take place are also addressed. Finally, the aspects that increase the value of the house, stimulating the investment are analysed.