Asphaltic Concrete Cores for Embankment Dams

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P r e f a c e This book describes Norwegian and international experience and practice with the use of asphaltic concrete cores for embankment dams. The properties of asphaltic concrete can, within fairly wide limits, be tailored to satisfy specific dam design requirements. This is an important aspect and advantage of using bituminous cores in embankment dams. The additional costs of achieving special core properties, by for instance increasing the bitumen and/or filler content, must in each case be compared with the potential benefits in terms of safety and reliability. Bituminous cores may be built by different construction procedures, for instance by the "stone-bitumen" method or "flowable asphaltic concrete" utilizing formwork and hand placement (Chapter 2). However, the most common procedure used so far is compacted dense concrete employing special machinery but no formwork. The central core with the filter/transition zones on either side are placed simultaneously in one operation. It is the latter method which is emphasized in this book. Chapter 4 describes modern construction equipment and procedures, and Chapter 6 presents design recommendations for embankment dams with asphaltic concrete core. Chapter 7 discusses contract and work specifications using as a case study the Storglomvatn Dam, 125 m high and presently under construction in Norway. The book is a result of a research and development project which summarized and evaluated available experience and expanded the know-how through experimental and analytical studies.