Message efficient Byzantine Reliable Broadcast protocols on known topologies

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In this paper, we consider the Reliable Communication and Byzantine Reliable Broadcast problems on partially connected networks with authenticated links. We consider the Reliable Communication (RC) problem on partially connected networks, and the Byzantine Reliable Broadcast (BRB) problem on partially and fully connected networks. Danny Dolev's protocol works on the former, while Gabriel Bracha's authenticated double echo protocol works on the latter in the case of a fully connected network. By layering the two protocols the BRB problem can be solved for partially connected networks. The state-of-the-art protocols for these problems focus on unknown topologies, whereas we focus on known topologies. We show that these protocols can be optimized when processes leverage this knowledge. Our simulations with our profiler show that we can drastically reduce the message complexity and network usage (e.g., a reduction of 71.9% and 79.4% respectively with a 12B payload when N=150 and f=20 for Dolev) compared to naive routing with our optimizations and disjoint path solver.